Another post in English. Seems to be the language the most of you can understand. Haven't written in a while, so I think I better break the pattern and jot down a few lines in the language of my mother. In the mother tongue - no matter how irrelevant, inaccurate and monocultural that term might be in this global village.
I digress.
Yesterday marked the storm after the storm of the all-day company party. No calm after the storm in sight yet. Was sick all day in fact.
Vomit. Sleep. Vomit. Sleep. Sleep more.
*Gross, spare me of the details, Euph'!*
Oh, sorry.
Yet, when checking my work inbox on a rather wasted day "in lieu", the stress seemed worthwhile. The event coordinated by our departement seemed to be an enjoyable one. So many people were so thankful. The messages were really special.
Outlook made this weak body smile last night - a happy family!
.. and another thankful person!
.. and the boss was even pretty content!

Amazing how from the inner-circle I could hardly guess whether it had been a successful day or not. Strange, eh? Maybe due to the fact that we had had plenty of unnecessary prep. stress as a team with unending last minute bad surprises. In fact, the event, which was to be an exciting and creative one to pull together nearly became a disaster on many fronts. We ended up playing it safe and
not trusting the park coordinator friend. So, for various reasons, we organised almost everything he had promised to do himself. Too many sleepless nights, to many unanswered emails. Nothing more scary than a "yeah yeah, no problem, we can do anything" guy!

We had loads of fun planning the decoration for the day. Loads of fun making the place appealing to families of employees. On our arrival on the day, it was rather tedious - especially on little sleep. Slept at Tracy's for the night - but we were up all night thinking of last minutes. But again, this stress was well worthwhile. We put signs up all around the area from both park entrances. We blew up 200+ balloons, we put up our disguised cat net containing printed leaves and bugs, and attached hellium filled balloons for an exciting effect at the entrance. We set up strings of bugs and tents and hoped for the best. Sure enough, the weather was great, the magician remembered his Robin Hood costume and the park dude was on his best behaviour to impress our CEO. Nice one! I love being around the children. Made the day just so much fun for all.
It's now catch up time at the office with the post event campaign, invoices, deliveries to be returned to the suppliers, thank you's and day souvenirs to be sent and what have you. Despite the overwhelming task of this alongside our prep. for the winter event now, life goes on in our departement with a record-breaking amount of new high priority tasks rolling in by the dozen.
Since I don't want to work myself sick over it, I have decided to take it today as a great privilege from a few who think we can actually do good work.
I like to think that way at least.
Even just for fun.