Seems like just yesterday I was squishing her stomach hoping she would give birth. And now the little one is here. Little Klara is Caro's healthy newborn and such a joy to be around. We are off to grandma's house to show her off in her little jeans. Fun. This short trip makes for another few days worth of holidays after the summer events. The way up in the car was helpful to rethink many things in my life, including my blog. Like any blogger, I am in the phase: "should I keep my thoughts so open to the world?" I am still uncertain about the frequency of my posts and whether this diary should remain online, be put on hold, change location or be locked away for posterity's sake.
At 2:26:00 PM,
monsoonhunter said…
Hi Euph,
the net would be less colourful if this blogg would be switched off.... However, as I am creating a blogg as well, similar thoughts cross my mind. Surely, you'll find the right solution...
At 6:07:00 PM,
Anonym said…
si tu arretes ton blog, je fais comment pour avoir de tes news moi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
At 9:26:00 PM,
Anonym said…
waow, the baby's so cute ;-) as for the blog, I don't know what this discussion is about : YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO STOP, point final. ;-) Bisous !
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