Mittwoch, Januar 31, 2007
Dienstag, Januar 30, 2007
marokko oder materialismus?
Dienstag, Januar 23, 2007
contemplating about copenhagen
"So funny to think I thought I had it all well drafted out in 2003 - by January 1, 2005, I was going to live in Copenhagen. Sure, I could have forced it to happen. But flying over these Danish isles, I realize how much God has plans far different from our own. "And that is just the danger with us goal-focused people. Surely it is good to have goals and aspirations. Sure seems to be easier for the Father to move a ship at sea than one at bay. But then, how flexible am I in giving up dreams of my own - (especially when I broadcast them prematurely)?
Not wanting to sound trite or distanced from reality - this becomes a daily lesson in humility and abiding when you spend two days in bed and hanging onto the toilet with a stomach flu on your busiest week at work. I am still learning to give it up. Because my Father knows best.
Teach me to lay my own aspirations down in utter humility before You, Father!
Donnerstag, Januar 18, 2007
vai jus runajat angliski?
Mittwoch, Januar 17, 2007
leider spät in lettland
Montag, Januar 15, 2007
wonderful weekend
Dienstag, Januar 09, 2007
smelly men in spandex
But guys, this young man is courageous. Andrew has braved the city transport to master public transport: car, train, tram and bus everyday - amazing. He even made it to running club tonight - yikes, a special night with different stations to work out different muscles. The trainer yelled at me to go to jump rope because I had apparently not been working hard enough. In the meantime, I saw a tall Andrew in the distance with tires strapped to a cord to his waist - fitting right in with the other smelly men in spandex. I'm sure he'll blog about that soon.
Anyway, all in all so much fun - from building dressers like last night to going to concerts like tonight. And hey, an incentive to get to work early and come back earlier too, right?
Donnerstag, Januar 04, 2007
kommt er wirklich?
Ja, es ist schon eine krasse Geschichte..
Aber komischerweise wieder so ein Frieden dabei.
Dienstag, Januar 02, 2007
tout tranquille
Avec la petite négotiation d'hier pour éviter de payer 50USD par valise (dont une appartenait à mon jeune homme) qui dépassait la limite de poids, je me sens un poil plus riche. (Seulement un poil car toutes les factures semblent "tomber" ce mois-ci: Swisscom mensuel, vignette, assurance auto annuelle, assurance santé trimestrielle, loyer, assurance maison annuelle, assurance apartement annuelle..) Le secret, c'est dans les grands yeux. :)
Autrement, après avoir lavé Rhonda et fait quelques courses, c'était le grand rangement ici avec une nouvelle découverte - ma cave! Presqu'aussi grande que mon studio maman! De la follie je vous dis : aisément assez de place pour le vélo, les jantes, quelques chaises, les rajouts de table, 5 cartons, quelques valises... c'est bien mieux que sur mon balcon!
Montag, Januar 01, 2007
yearnings for new year
In this quest, I think this song entitled “Effortless” that Andrew shared with me might even have become my own personal prayer for 2007:
May my praise be effortless
May my song come easily
May my worship be pleasing to You
May my heart be softened Lord
And may my mind, may it be transformed