euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Dienstag, Dezember 28, 2004

wild walnuts

Thanks Essayas for the neat post in your blog on the ‘peanut’, that thing you are good at or have planned and just have to guard from others lest they take it for their own or criticize. Life is too short for peanuts. Some things are best not said, but most nuts simply need to be set free from their shell. How thankful I am that so many crack their shell open for me to peer in. This is how transparent I wish to be with people, though it is not always easy to do. Lately, I have been given a nutcracker to a few peoples’ nuts, allowing me to discover pure gems. At work and outside work, the nutcracker is busy chipping the shells away whilst friendships deepen. Have you realized just how this world is made up of so many nuts? You sometimes have to take the risk to share your nut to discover the one given to you to be black and rotten. But other times, you discover beautiful pecans, complex walnuts, svelte cashews or peanuts, which ‘keep on giving’. Often, if you don’t crack your shell, you will never be able to draw from the nut you get talking to. This is something, which was particularly important for me to do yesterday. I enjoyed the conversation with a walnut. I discovered an interesting personality with similar aspirations to mine. Two different nuts in the same bowl needing to be cracked to allow for mutual understanding and ultimately, improved teamwork. I need to learn to be more open and to realize when to just seal the peanut shell.

Samstag, Dezember 25, 2004

cold christmas

I wonder how many people write in their blogs on Christmas day. Just wondering. :) Here, it has been a rather relaxing day. We have had a special time together. I woke up later than I have for 7 weeks, which was very interesting. It is snowing very hard outside and I am wondering if we might just get snowed in soon. Yesterday I was working, so I made it in time for an amazing dinner at home. Just before the snow came in. For skiing, blizzards aren't the best. Maybe we can find a few board games. That is a holiday activitiy for sure. We are enjoying hanging out with the neighbors here and calling a few of our relatives. This lemon and banana special pie awaits us for our desert after an excellent stuffed turkey lurkey. We all went out for a walk and I tried to sit down and read a book. No chance. There is just way too much action around for that. Simeon has plenty of videos and slide shows from Africa to show and I am busy briefing people on everything they dont even need to know. But I am like that. I enjoy sharing the excitement. I am also thinking of the business conference Ron and I are going to at the beginning of next year in Germany. It is going to be so good. Ron, if you manage to read this, remind me of hotel rooms to book etc. I am planning for the new year, but still enjoy family right here and now. It is just low-key and peaceful today. That will be different to the New Year. I cant wait to see Caro once again. We are going to have a blast. For now, who needs santa in a hot-air balloon? (Well, we get to see him too). Much more important, we are celebrating the coming of the Savior of our lives. The only thing missing to this peaceful party is you, Stephen. Take care of yourself. We miss you at this time ... so much. Thanks for the email. It meant a lot to m+d who excitedly read out your news to everyone in the home and yonder, in the village below. I love you.

Donnerstag, Dezember 23, 2004

champion charlett

What a busy time of the year. I am still at work trying to get some of the few interesting tasks tied up before the post office closes tomorrow morning. It was very enjoyable to spend the evening with Simeon and with the parents. Little Charlett started like a dream this morning, despite the snow everywhere. She actually made it to a much better start than I. I didnt manage to keep the coffee down this morning, specially prepared with exclusive beans by dad. I wasn't feeling well at all. As for Charlett, she just roared down the mountain and to the highway as if she just couldn't stop. I called in sick, but made it to the office a few minutes later, pale as all get out, but still alive. There is something motivating about making sure to make it to work when you know you have to hand in a note from the doc's right from the first day. :)
I am excited that the family is down here. Yes, I am working on Christmas Eve, but I am excited to leave earlier than this past week and spend a nice weekend in the mountains. For that to happen, I have to finish working through the mess on my desk though!

Donnerstag, Dezember 16, 2004

accueil amical?

Hier, finalement, j'ai trouvé le lieu auquel j'étais allée il y a trois semaines. Dans le tourbillion de départ, j'avais oublié le plan. C'était des immeubles derrière le lac quelque part près d'un endroit avec une station à essence Agip. J'ai tourné en rond plusieurs fois, ne comprenant pas pourquoi je venais d'imprimer le plan en 3 pages .. et de le laisser sur mon bureau. J'ai pensé "bon, peut être que cela ne vaut pas la peine d'y aller.. Euphonies, tu es fatiguée, repose-toi!". Enfin, j'ai retrouvé la station essence et j'ai osé espérer que je pourrais trouver la bonne rue avec le bon batiment. Il n'y avait après tout qu'une quinzaine d'immeubles à découvrir une fois arivée sur la bonne rue. :) Je suis arrivée en catastrophe pour retrouver James et Jane super heureux avec tout plein de monde. On a fêté un peu, partagé plein de trucs ensemble et écouté un homme qui repart en Afrique après avoir passé 3 mois à GE sans sa femme et ses enfants. Son témoignage était fort puisqu'il avait réellement ressenti la froideur des européeens et le manque d'accueil. Ca m'a vraiment interpellé hier soir. Je suis rentrée comme d'hab tard, mais je pense que ça valait le coup d'y aller. Je me force à créer une vie privée. Le sommeil? Hmm, Samedi, grâce mat'? Bonne journée à toi, Mr. Blog.

Mittwoch, Dezember 15, 2004

boring blogger?

The question is - are you still reading the blog, or am I writing too little ;)? Has been difficult to find enough time to do so.

The trams have started to run in geneva, little by little replacing the buses. the idea is great, they are just so quiet that you have to be really careful you dont get hit by one of the silent trams when illegally crossing the road - kids, do not try this outside your own home!
As someone told me this morning, this city is not prone to change, so it is surely nice to see such change even in the short amount of time in which I have been here.

I have taken my link to my blog off since a few coleagues hinted that the access is a little too easy. Why not. I am writing a blog accessible to the Net. But dissasociating it from my company is for sure a good idea. Not that I write any real biased posts anyway.

It was nice this last weekend to return to southern Germany. What a different life I am in now. I used to drive to Kandern and become utterly nostalgic. Now, I just love being there, but know in my heart of hearts that this is not the current Euphonies abiding place. I got to speak with Bruni, the wonderful woman, who took great care of me for 7 months as well as the Mark and his family, who are pure and simply family. You always are welcome there, and that is such a privilege. Markus, war genial dich noch einmal zu sehen, vielleicht das letzte Mal des Jahres?

It was a spontaneous decision to flee for a short while. Sort of the combination of missing people, escaping a pot-smoking and vodka drinking neighbor who enjoys knocking on my door as soon as I walk in the door and the peak of excitment to try out my new car. Votes for the name remain accepted, by the way. Got one name for the Chamade: Charlett or Bino: a mix of b-i and Renault. You guys are so funny.

By the way, the neighbor is totally nice, just overly friendly. Monday night I had him and the electrician over for a drink. They didnt appreciate my choice of non-alcoholic beverages all that much complaining "this is like breakfast, dude!". It was nice to have the company.

Escaping was really good, it allowed me to face Monday with a clear head. And boy, do we need the clear thinking at this time! Last night I made it home by 1am for a 8am client meeting. Not my absolute preference in the area of private life, but this is of course sometimes necessary. I think I will have to be buying a proper alarm clock, Ron, since I am prone to destroying mobile phones or at least switching them off. Sleeping in, is not good, you see? Maybe I could buy that alongwith the toilet seat THAT WAS TAKEN BY THE PREVIOUS RENTERS after they left - cheek!!

On my way to Germany, I couldnt help but visit the junk yard... and, she was still there. The beauty in white. Odette had had her tires changed, awaiting total destruction. But the 'new' tires looked like floaties on the rims. Had Odette have had 13inch tires, I could have taken them myself for her new sister. (as well as the brand new wipers dad and I changed, right papa?) Anyway, the past is the past. New things are to come!

Other than that, all is well, need sleep, but ... tomorrow (always tomorrow!), tonight is house group, and I am excited!

Freitag, Dezember 10, 2004

love letter?

Good morning sweetie! How beautiful you are. How expensive you are. How much money you require from me. I escape you each night to reside with more modest inhabitants. Yet I cannot run away from you for more than a few days. You just have that sort of magnetic attraction. No, I even run to you daily. Why, beautiful, is diesel here 7 centimes more than normal gas? Why do I, oh stunning one, give in to eating a pizza for 17 euros in your presence? Love has no price. They say it must be love when you cannot live with you nor live without you. Many cannot live without you financially. You are just an intriguing one, Geneva!

ständig, stress!

Lieber Blog. Ich schreibe dir aus einem leeren Büro, in dem nur frühaufsteher sitzen. In Deutschland wäre ich um die Uhrzeit wahrscheinlich die Allerletze. In der deutschsprechenden Schweiz vielleicht auch. In den Büroräumlichkeiten gegenüber, leuchten immer mehr Fenster auf. Dort arbeiten sie ein bisschen früher als hier. Ich habe von hier aus eine sehr schöne Aussicht - was ich sehe darf mein Leben nicht durchdringen: Arbeitsstress ohne Ende. Der Mann dort, rennt zum Bus. Links warten ungeduldigen Fahrer an der Ampel. Ein bisschen weiter weg sehe ich Leute schon jammern. Hey, das will ich einfach nicht. Lass es euch gut gehen Heute. Geniesst die Ruhe. Zumindest innerliche Ruhe. Ich tue es obwohl ich nicht einmal weiss wie ich alles erledigen kann. Rein menschlich gesehen ist es nicht möglich. Glück gehabt, ich bin nicht Superwoman - also, gaaaanz ruhig Euphonies.

Donnerstag, Dezember 09, 2004

star settles

Vous m’excuserez pour le manque de signe de vie dans ce blog, non ? Je suis vraiment débordée en ce moment. Sous les cartons le soir et puis en journée toujours en train de courir. Ceci dit, ça me plaît de mieux en mieux, je commence à comprendre ce qu’on attend de moi, ma peau, mon sang :). Mon apart me plaît à la folie et je suis tranquille – la personne la plus bruyante, c’est moi en fait ! Il y a deux sapins de Noël à l’entrée et la boulangerie à 50 pas de là accepte des francs suisses. C’est de la balle ! Je suis heureuse avec mon nouveau frigo, super contente de la nouvelle paire de roues qui arrive demain. Merci papa qui la conduit ! Je suis désormais joignable sur mon portable français en soirée. Après 22h je pense. Autrement, mon portable Suisse, ça arrive bientôt aussi. Donc les choses vont commencer à se calmer, il me reste ma ligne de téléphone à installer ainsi que l’edf à contacter. La paperasse quoi. J’ai mon petit nom sur ma boîte aux lettres, donc pour le courrier, n’hésite pas aussi ! Maintenant je n’attends plus que les visites !!

Dienstag, Dezember 07, 2004

keep the key

Odette was given into the hands of a kind man who sent her off. I didnt even have to watch her go through anything. Hehehe, I kept a few things in memory of her. Including a spare key. She owned the key to my heart.. get over it, Euphonies! Friday was a very tiring day with meetings and appointments and rushing into town. I left to Paris to get the move done. TGV (fast train) takes barely 3h30 to get home. Nice one! I was feeling pretty horrible by the time I was home, migrane and headache. It had been a long week of adrenaline rushes and high blood pressure. I was excited to get home yet exhausted from a week of energy outpour. The weekend went well, we drove down in a rent-a-van with a bed frame, matress, suitcases, boxes, shelves, drawers etc etc. My parents are busy now putting some of the pieces together in the apartment in Saint Julien. After church on Sunday, we went to Reims to a small village. And there she was. Grey metallic, diesel, good size, amazing price, just waiting for me to pick her up. 'take me, take me!' We knew it was her by her look, by the price and by the purr of her motor. Now, I just need to get her insured and find a name for her. Oh, and, get a key. Odette's key doesnt work on her - hmm, will she too, have the special key to my heart? Dad will drive her down at the end of the week since I will be translating at a conference at the weekend. Cant wait. Tired of this rent-a-car I am using as a poor repacement for Odette. But I am thankful for wheels, thats true!
It was nice to get so much done at the weekend but one day I think it might end up wearing me out! :) It was great to speak to some of my friends on the phone and to see some others at the house (sorry for the mess, Claire!!). Now, as it is, both of my apartments are a MESS! But I still have to work. THis weekend too. So, my parents are a big help in this. Thanks!!

Freitag, Dezember 03, 2004

bon, bref

Rien de long aujourd'hui vu que je suis en train de courir pour réussir à tout finir. Dès 18h15, je suis joignable sur mon portable français car ... je rentre à la maison!! Odette a été détruite hier et j'ai déjà regardé pas mal de voitures en attendant d'en trouver une. Une belle voiture m'a bien tenté hier soir, une belle bmw jaune. Le prix été super, et la voiture géant. Mais, est-elle peut être un peu vieille? 1989, encore plus vieille que ma belle dame de la neige. Salutations et bon weekend. Pour moi et mes parents, c'est le grand déménagement!

Donnerstag, Dezember 02, 2004

friends finally!

Last night was excellent. I was picked up from work and we went to the Ferney area. I met about 10 people my age (this was the 25-35 group) and after a warm bowl of spaghetti, we had a time of sharing. It was so neat. One young couple is a YWAMer whose parents know my parents. Most of the guys are either German or German-speaking. The group is strong and really moving. I had a great time last night. It was nice to be able to make friends.

A lot of the people there last night are Procter people. Into their career and into God which is totally a first for me. They have good wages but don't necessarily have to drive around in a Spider to feel good. The guy who picked me up had a Passat exactly the shape of Odette. She too had been in an accident, so she was more of a loud chicken. But I loved the size. Such a car will be difficult to find overnight. Diesels are especially rare.

This afternoon, Odette is going to the dump. Sad, but true. I will hand over the keys, save her number plates and the radio from 1865 or so. And take off the fishy fish. A work colleague will driver her over to France with me around 2pm so we can come back together in the rent-a-car. This is 4 times cheaper than having it done in this country. Nuts, eh?

Mittwoch, Dezember 01, 2004

tolle technologie?

Die Sitze vom Leihwagen sind steinhart. Das ist bestimmt die moderne Technologie, die ich nicht kenne. Krass. Odette war da schon … stopp. Die gibt’s bald nicht mehr. Ich bin auf jeden Fall so dankbar, dass die Firma sich auf dieser Art um mich kümmert. Echt nicht selbstverständlich. Total unerwartet. Inzwischen ist Odettes Zeit in der Tiefgarage langsam ausgelaufen. Sie wird entsorgt sobald der Polizist grünes Licht gegeben hat. Da der IT-Berater, dessen Platz sie genommen hat zurückkommt, muss ich eine andere Lösung für die Metallmasse finden. Logistikfrage, und ich habe nur eine Parkkarte. Aber das ist nur die geringste Sache am laufen. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass ich gerade meine ganze Aufmerksamkeit in Hundert Bereichen aufrechterhalten muss. Morgen gibt’s eine Neuigkeit, ich werde, wenn alles gut läuft, das Firmenhandy erhalten. Somit bin ich sogar im Tiefschlaf zu erreichen ;). Es macht langsam Spaß, sich besser auszukennen. Die stark betonte Beziehungsebene ist wirklich mein Ding. Die langen Arbeitszeiten sind momentan auch nicht so dramatisch, Hauptsache ich lerne ständig irgendwas lerne Leute kennen bin ich überglücklich. Jedoch freue ich mich auf Freitag. Ich fahre heim wg Umzug. Es ist Zeit. Ursprünglich durfte ich gleich am ersten Wochenende heimfahren/fliegen, dann hat die Wohnungssuche länger gedauert. Wow, nächste Woche gilt schon meine neue Adresse!

chocolat canon

Aujourd’hui j’ai visité deux laboratoires de chocolat en ville pour discuter de notre fameux cadeau de Noël de société. Le rêve ! De voir tous ces chocolats, de les goûter, d’en ramener à la maison – c’est mon truc :). J’ai rencontré des chefs chocolatiers au travail et posé des questions quant à la possibilité. C’est un vrai casse-tête de trouver les bons chocolats avec la bonne forme dans la bonne boite qui sera prête par la bonne société, aux bonnes mesures au bon moment, partir au bon client au bon tarif, car la bonne taille etc etc etc. Mais à côté, le restant des activités à organiser avancent et puis après le travail on n’oublie pas les papiers pour la démolition de la voiture, la recherche d’un remplacement ou les traductions que je suis en train de finir. Demain soir (aujourd’hui quand j’afficherai ce post), je vais au groupe de maison avec des jeunes de mon âge. On vient me chercher après le boulot, c’est trop sympa !

sweet sleep

Cant wait to sit on the fast train on Friday and just watch the bleak view race by all the way home until I reach my destination: a smelly city, which is home. A place I recognize the names of the sectors and some arrondissements. Yup, we are going to do the furniture move this weekend and check out with the doctor whether or not I need to be operated on soon or not. Would be great if I could do that over a weekend, but that is not likely. It is one thing to have days to take off, but another to be squeezed into a corner because you have taken time off. Shame. In anycase, I get to take some of our bestest furniture with me. Yahoo! Parents chose a van, which will just fit the essentials, that way there is no chance of me stealing more furniture, right?! Anyway, now that I have a more or less permanent address and telephone, I have about finished my newsletter for December. So if you were not in the loop and can take a rather large sized letter (because of photos) in your email account, let me know your email addy and I can send it right on to you. Take care. Its 1am, so I can’t make this one long. Someday I might need to sleep more than 5 hours to keep up the rhythm, right? :)