I wonder how many people write in their blogs on Christmas day. Just wondering. :) Here, it has been a rather relaxing day. We have had a special time together. I woke up later than I have for 7 weeks, which was very interesting. It is snowing very hard outside and I am wondering if we might just get snowed in soon. Yesterday I was working, so I made it in time for an amazing dinner at home. Just before the snow came in. For skiing, blizzards aren't the best. Maybe we can find a few board games. That is a holiday activitiy for sure. We are enjoying hanging out with the neighbors here and calling a few of our relatives. This lemon and banana special pie awaits us for our desert after an excellent stuffed turkey lurkey. We all went out for a walk and I tried to sit down and read a book. No chance. There is just way too much action around for that. Simeon has plenty of videos and slide shows from Africa to show and I am busy briefing people on everything they dont even need to know. But I am like that. I enjoy sharing the excitement. I am also thinking of the business conference Ron and I are going to at the beginning of next year in Germany. It is going to be so good. Ron, if you manage to read this, remind me of hotel rooms to book etc. I am planning for the new year, but still enjoy family right here and now. It is just low-key and peaceful today. That will be different to the New Year. I cant wait to see Caro once again. We are going to have a blast. For now, who needs santa in a hot-air balloon? (Well, we get to see him too). Much more important, we are celebrating the coming of the Savior of our lives. The only thing missing to this peaceful party is you, Stephen. Take care of yourself. We miss you at this time ... so much. Thanks for the email. It meant a lot to m+d who excitedly read out your news to everyone in the home and yonder, in the village below. I love you.
At 8:24:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Mark, I have just altered the name of my car. I mean, Charlett just looks wierd in English. Charlette ist schon mehr passend denke ich. For any other suggestions... I remain open!
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