Odette was given into the hands of a kind man who sent her off. I didnt even have to watch her go through anything. Hehehe, I kept a few things in memory of her. Including a spare key. She owned the key to my heart.. get over it, Euphonies! Friday was a very tiring day with meetings and appointments and rushing into town. I left to Paris to get the move done. TGV (fast train) takes barely 3h30 to get home. Nice one! I was feeling pretty horrible by the time I was home, migrane and headache. It had been a long week of adrenaline rushes and high blood pressure. I was excited to get home yet exhausted from a week of energy outpour. The weekend went well, we drove down in a rent-a-van with a bed frame, matress, suitcases, boxes, shelves, drawers etc etc. My parents are busy now putting some of the pieces together in the apartment in Saint Julien. After church on Sunday, we went to Reims to a small village. And there she was. Grey metallic, diesel, good size, amazing price, just waiting for me to pick her up. 'take me, take me!' We knew it was her by her look, by the price and by the purr of her motor. Now, I just need to get her insured and find a name for her. Oh, and, get a key. Odette's key doesnt work on her - hmm, will she too, have the special key to my heart? Dad will drive her down at the end of the week since I will be translating at a conference at the weekend. Cant wait. Tired of this rent-a-car I am using as a poor repacement for Odette. But I am thankful for wheels, thats true!
It was nice to get so much done at the weekend but one day I think it might end up wearing me out! :) It was great to speak to some of my friends on the phone and to see some others at the house (sorry for the mess, Claire!!). Now, as it is, both of my apartments are a MESS! But I still have to work. THis weekend too. So, my parents are a big help in this. Thanks!!
At 10:21:00 AM,
StrangelyClear said…
Nice to have you back (((euphonies))).
Missed you yesterday :(
Sounds like your adventures will not end yet...
Ever thought of writing a book?
Eh bien, " Dieu est très bon pour toi " !
SC. :)
At 6:48:00 PM,
euphonies said…
The book is on my endless list of things to do :)definitely have thought of it.
I am back. Has been a busy weekend / week start :) Forgive me! *
PS: ... all the time, God is good ;)
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