Thanks Essayas for the neat post in your blog on the ‘peanut’, that thing you are good at or have planned and just have to guard from others lest they take it for their own or criticize. Life is too short for peanuts. Some things are best not said, but most nuts simply need to be set free from their shell. How thankful I am that so many crack their shell open for me to peer in. This is how transparent I wish to be with people, though it is not always easy to do. Lately, I have been given a nutcracker to a few peoples’ nuts, allowing me to discover pure gems. At work and outside work, the nutcracker is busy chipping the shells away whilst friendships deepen. Have you realized just how this world is made up of so many nuts? You sometimes have to take the risk to share your nut to discover the one given to you to be black and rotten. But other times, you discover beautiful pecans, complex walnuts, svelte cashews or peanuts, which ‘keep on giving’. Often, if you don’t crack your shell, you will never be able to draw from the nut you get talking to. This is something, which was particularly important for me to do yesterday. I enjoyed the conversation with a walnut. I discovered an interesting personality with similar aspirations to mine. Two different nuts in the same bowl needing to be cracked to allow for mutual understanding and ultimately, improved teamwork. I need to learn to be more open and to realize when to just seal the peanut shell.
At 9:52:00 PM,
ET said…
You're so right. There are times for keeping the shell on the nut. . .not always, but there are times.
I think we've touched on some good insight, or maybe we're just nuts!
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