euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Sonntag, Mai 13, 2007

I said yes!

On top of the Salève, Friday 11th May, 2007

... and now officially my blog continues here! ;)

Sonntag, Mai 06, 2007

Sixth president of the "5th Republic"..

Nicolas Sarkozy..
St Julien's town hall this morning..

Samstag, Mai 05, 2007

liberté, égalité, fraternité.

Demain, plus que n'importe quel jour dans ma vie, j' aurais souhaité avoir la nationalité. Celle qui donnerait le droit de vote bien sûr. A quoi ça me sert d'être British quand j'y connais rien à leur système politique? Dix-sept ans pour apprendre les valeurs de la république, un bac littéraire et un DESS dans ce pays et pourtant, nulle reconnaissance au bureau de vote. Demain, "on" élira donc le président de mon pays - la patrie que je connais le mieux. Troublée et tiraillée entre deux candidats la bouche pleine de promesses et parfois de sotises, j'aurais peut-être voté blanc. Mais au moins, j'aurais pu participer activement à notre vie politique. Mais là, je suis désemparée presque comme ceux qui se rendront aux urnes demain. Terre d'ingénieurs, d'innovateurs et d'instituteurs, je prie pour ta décision et pour le nouveau président que tu choisiras. Pour notre nouveau (nouvelle?) président(e): Que Dieu se serve de toi pour retourner la situation spirituelle, économique et sociale de notre pays. Montre-toi souverain dans ce pays, Seigneur! Courage à vous qui votez. : JP, Claire, Sandra, Delph', Fanny et j'en oublie. Soyez fidèles à votre conviction. Et pensez que vous votez pour bien des gens qui ne peuvent pas!

Mittwoch, Mai 02, 2007

Shakespeare's clothes

Tried to get some pix but they're not great so don't think they are worth posting up here. Session in the home of Shakespeare went well. Short and sweet and inspiring as most London trips are from an advertizing perspective. Regret wearing my high heels all day, but scores of cheesy manly compliments and bending over backwards must have been a sign I had dressed the part. Whatever. My gosh, remind me God to overflow with supernatural love for people and not just to those wearing to-die-for-sexy clothing. Was writing in my diary about that actually and how blatantly different I am treated with a skirt suit: "nice outfit!", "can I get you the Financial Times, madam?", "what a beautiful smile", "can I join the crowds of people flocking around you miss?" (?!) - old men business pick up lines I guess. Give me a break! For me, not much of an alternative since I look young and have to work hard to get some credibility. Tough reality of facts of my youth. And in the meantime, I rant to my blog in my snoopy pyjamas. Cause there is a time and a place for everything and I want to stay true to my giddy self no matter where life takes me. Snoopy is cooler anyway.

Dienstag, Mai 01, 2007

21 rue du Général Gallieni.

That's the one on the right. Does seem small compared to where my childhood mansion left it. But a place with lots of memories as it was our first real place to call home in France before we moved to Les Mureaux. Those we the precious days when we didn't speak more than a couple words of French at all!

We hung out in good ole' Le Pecq and in Paris with my neighbor-friend of 17 years & bf sat/sun. Good times. And healthy to smell the Paris air every few weeks - love it. No excuse as it is just a stones throw away by train.