Leaving this morning for the week - not all that novel destinations this time: first Paris, then Milan. Without a clue how much I will be able to blog. So just a scribble before I leave to the airport. Friendly reminder service from mum to update my pink page. We've decided we may both hang in northern Italy for the weekend since I will already be there. We'll see - it's still up in the air as we try to plan this and trips for other people ;). Anyway, the past few weeks have been exciting on many fronts. And have even been feeling rested more than ever before - a new experience for me. It has been great to spend time journaling and dreaming, planning and praising. This past weekend we were in the mountains with parents who have just arrived back. That was peaceful too. All in all, if Mark Walker were to ask me his favorite question now, I'd probably answer despite the hectic nature of the next few days: "yeah Mark, it is well with my soul". This is a good thing to know as the week unfolds.
Bild von gestern Nachmittag kurz vor der Landung in Genf..Der ganze Flug war ein perfektes Gemälde der Schöpfung - konnte bei dem Wetter jede Kräuselung sehen, in jedes Tal hineinschauen aber auch Rauch jeder Fabrik sehen. Das Leid von Martin Smith Über die Berge und das Meer hat plötzlich eine ganze andere Bedeutung bekommen. "Über die Berge und das Meer fliesst dein Liebesstrom zu mir.." - musste mein Ipod ausschalten und die Aussicht ,,in Ruhe" geniessen. Wurde schlussendlich eine Zeit zwischen Dankbarkeit des Geschenks der Schöpfung und Kummer über das Thema Umweltschutz und wie unverantwortlich wir sind als Menschen.