euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Samstag, Dezember 31, 2005

real resolutions?

They are hard to define and even harder to keep. Some companies even exist to help us achieve resolutions with a contract. Came accross the Goalsguy on the net who created this contract method ;).
According to him, the top 10 most common New Year resolutions are:

1. Lose weight
2. Stop smoking
3. Stick to a budget
4. Save or earn more money
5. Find a better job
6. Become more organized
7. Exercise more
8. Be more patient at work/with others
9. Eat better
10. Become a better person

(just thought I'd make you feel less isolated ;))

chers compatriotes

Dieses Jahr wird Silvester nicht in Paris gefeiert. Ob wir das alte Zuhause vermissen? Manchmal nicht wirklich und manchmal schon ein bisschen – aber gut, ein neues Jahr fängt bald an. Ich mag nicht in der Vergangenheit stehen bleiben, weil ich die Zukunft .. oder noch schlimmer die Gegenwart verpassen könnte. Und 2006 beginnt in wenigen Stunden mit neuen Erfahrungen, Erwartungen und Herausforderungen. Und es schneit en masse hier in den Bergen und ich arbeite nicht bis nächstes Jahr. Aber der Satz hat wohl nichts mit dem anderen zu tun.
Obwohl das Feuerwerk vielleicht nicht so lang gedauert hat als in der alten Grossstadt, haben wir die traditionelle Seite der Feier nicht ganz auf Seite gelegt. Die übliche und für uns auch teilweise lustige Rede von Jacques Chirac lief im Hintergrund (wir müssen einfach lachen wenn er am TV ,,mes chers compatriotes" so ernst sagt), während Eggnog, ein Getränk aus den USA serviert wurde. Um das vergangene Jahr 2005 abzuschliessen und das Neue Jahr einzuweihen, wurde die Bibel in der Familie gelesen und frische Hoffnung für 2006 ausgesprochen. Nun werden Fragen in der Runde gefragt, vor allem über die Arbeit meiner Eltern. Aber das ist immer so gewesen. Wenn es um sie geht, ist die ganze Sippe immer beteiligt.
Zu dieser Jahreszeit werden eigene Ziele auch neu definiert und die von 2005 mit einem manchmal schlechten Gewissen durchgelesen. Dieses Jahr werde ich wichtige aber kleinere und messbare Ziele setzen. Doch, ich freue mich darauf, denn das alte Jahr war nicht immer so einfach, was meinst du dazu?
Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie eine tiefe Erkennung von Gottes Nähe in deinem/eurem Alltag und alles alles Liebe für 2006!
- euph'

Montag, Dezember 26, 2005

notre noel

Mon frère ainé est rentré hier soir tard de son long voyage donc les cadeaux et toute la fête a attendu qu'il vienne. Ce matin, on a ouvert les cadeaux comme des enfants en famille. C'était une journée bien tranquille avec des cadeaux géniaux de trois continents. On sait tous que c'est pas le nombre qui compte mais l'intention et la préparation. Pour finir la journée: ballade en raquettes et film en famille. D'ailleurs, j'en râte un bout là ..

Sonntag, Dezember 25, 2005

Samstag, Dezember 24, 2005

feeling fatigued?

Hey, it's Christmas tomorrow. At last.
So, how are you feeling? Ready? Shopped-out? Over-fatigued?
For me, yesterday was just silly. I mean, crazy silly. Had been dreading the 23rd for a while. Running here, running there, getting my work done while organizing Christmas drinks, briefing the girls on what they needed to achieve and what they could be doing next week, closing this and that project, sending 100 invitations, sending some more of my own newsletters and managing to get my own gifts done during my lunchbreak, writing Christmas cards, sending off chocolates, organizing the rental car, trying to keep all the bits in between from going wrong ..
I can't tell you how nice it is to be back to these mountains far away from the chaos. CEO showed me signs of appreciation this pm. I don't want to work for his appreciation alone, but it's sure meaningful. I realized just how tired I was when I arrived at the carpark to look for my keys. Hmm, should I admit to this? I had a stapler in my left hand. Yep, from the office. I smiled and realized there are a lot of things I had had to write down over the last few days (weeks?) in order not to let them escape. Not usually like me.
Christmas finally hit home this afternoon. Sim and I were hanging out in the buzzing town (which almost seemed peaceful in itself). Decorations are up everywhere and it is a real little winter wonderland. We came home to a special dinner. Soothing and calming! ;)
Big bro should arrive late at the airport - so all gifts are on hold till 26th. Never mind. So aside from the traditional Faulty Towers, we catch up and rest. So are the likes of this little family - us making this village a real "global village".
What a special Christmas this one is too. To have the family here is a privilege and a half. Wishing you too a very peaceful day and a new Christmas message to hit home at this time.

Dienstag, Dezember 20, 2005

sporadic snapshots

Little messages arrived in my inbox today - with pictures of their view. Just to make me jealous and to encourage me to drive up to the mountains after work to see them. That probably made me work fast today. Fast as a work horse. Time to start wrapping up. Hopefully soon.

Montag, Dezember 19, 2005

calendar from cluses

Can't remember if they do this in other countries anymore, but here in France, the firemen, trashmen, ambulance drivers, postmen etc. all come around for their yearly tip. Serious. In exchange, they give you a calendar. That's how you end up with a calendar of fires and accidents and postmen and random things. It also brings them up to their 13th month says my mom. I thought I would be away, pretty rare to find me here at this time of night. They're lucky I had another rough day and couldn't wait to get home. Work was rough enough.
Then text messages from my special friend were devastating for me today. He couldn't drop the issue and it drove me nuts. Not only was I annoyed and frustrated to tears at our mini-argument when I needed his help in the middle of a very busy day but saddened at the prospect of losing a friendship, which has come a long way. It's almost as if I wish he could magically know about the drama and help me out of it. But I told him too much.
And they rang the bell. And burst into my thoughts. No point in hiding inside, they take note of which houses or appartments they need to come back to. If you are out, no worries, there is a second chance to give them money. So, the two buff fire-young-men came by. Sure enough I got a calendar. But I told them I would only take it against an autograph on their pictures. Only got one since the other young man works in Cluses. They left and I swear I could here them chuckling down the hallway. Maybe at my request? A few minutes later, another ring at the door. Here I was thinking "oh gosh, not the postman now." But it was the second guy, all proud to give me a second calendar from Cluses. He grinned from ear to ear when I told him, "sure you can sign yours for me too". What am I gonna do with these calendars anyway!

création sur carrelage

Bon, c'est peut-être pas exactement le mur du potier (voir photos plus bas), mais bon, c'est mon nouveau truc. Histoire de ne pas s'ennuyer aux toilettes: là il y a au moins de la lecture. Sim a décidé de s'y lancer - sûrement avec la prétention d'écrire sur chaque bout de carrelage visible. Sur un des carreaux, je lis "try to erase this one", (j'parie que tu pourras jamais effacer celui-ci chérie) - eh ouais, c'est tout en haut quand même. En lisant tous les messages, on voit qu'on est quand même créatifs dans la famille. Pour mettre "santé mais pas des pieds" sur le carrelage de ma salle de bains, c'est pas mal du délire.

bilder von basel

Both Simeon and myself love this area. And not just for the Wirtschaftswoche, Spätzle and Tschibo we bring back either. One can never reproduce the memories long past, yet small things are powerful reminders of a certain glory of the past. Amazing how smells can be associated to situations and places - more powerful than pictures. The stuffy wooden smell of this house will remind me of a challenging moment spent there. A new furniture smell there will remind me of a time in which my main worry seemed to be driving. Though the services are pretty light and nicely packaged for a protected faith, we still go to church. Let's be honest, mostly for the people. Cause they're a huge part of the memories too. Time has flown by, both Sim and myself have grown up a lot. But so have a lot of our friends from times past. (Susi even made time for us, which was really special.) And it is great to meet up with them - just to bunk out and chat sometimes. Sometimes just to listen to them. Sim and I both decided, we really just love the Germans. Such gracious people.

Sonntag, Dezember 18, 2005

kalt in kandern

[bald mehr bilder]

Waren wieder drüben. Samstag mittag sind wir einfach losgefahren, damit Simeon auch was von Deutschland und sein altes Internat sieht. Waren bei Familie Harris, Walker, Drake und konnten mit ihnen ein wenig auftanken. Ich war noch nie zu Weihnachten (oder 4. Avent) dort. Wir beide fanden's wunderschön und überraschenderweise genau richtig von der Zeit her. Simeon wollte zum Weihnachtsmarkt - also sind wir mit Bruni in Basel rumgelaufen nachdem wir mit Susi essen waren. Es kam mir mit dem Wind wirklich sehr kalt vor. Muss vom anderen Apparat alle Bilder runterziehen. Aber erstmal früh schlafen, denn die kommende Woche ist die Schlimmste des Jahres für meine Abteilung. Nicht mehr lang zum aushalten.

Mittwoch, Dezember 14, 2005

december day

Alarm rings.
Eyes squint.
Dark outside.
Eyelids close.
Cell rings.
Hands search.
Eyes closed.
Still closed.
Lights off.
Christmas ones.
My own.
(Timer off).
Door slams.
Not mine.
Mind awakes.
Eyes bulge.
Neck turns.
It's late.
Music on.
Really loud.
Bed made.
Shower fast.
Clothes hunt.
Preparation regrets.
These ones!
(No ironing.)
Music off.
Lights off.
Inside ones.
Leave house.
Turn key.
Race out.
As usual.
So tired.
Still tired.
Scared too.
A little.
Car starts.
First smile.
(My own.)
Music on.
Second smile.
(My own.)
Charlette races.
Not me.
Customs frowns.
Looks mean.
Third smile.
Can go.
Tunnels galore.
Park car.
Take elevator.
Freezing outside.
See building.
Stomach cramps.
Mind stronger.
Swipe card.
Door opens.
Telephone rings.
Few hellos.
Stacked papers.
My own.
List there.
"to dos"
Sit down.
Breathe in.
Telephone rings.
Post arrives.
Telephone rings.
Run downstairs.
Run upstairs.
Telephone rings.
Deadline soon.
Deadline tomorrow.
Deadline's past.
Colleague complains.
No time.
Say sorry.
Lunchtime's here.
Already here.
Telephone rings.
Working lunch.
"to dos".
Boss calls.
Nice today.
Never know.
Few catastrophies.
Little cry.
Brief team.
"to dos".
So much.
To do.
Great colleague.
She leaves.
Vacation time.
Home alone.
Meaning, me!
"Don't go!"
She's gone.
Less help.
Colleague smiles.
Another one.
He's happy.
Paper stack.
Still there.
Gotta run.
House group.
Call Leens.
Needs juice.
Telephone rings.
"Colleague here"
"need help".
Tough luck.
Gotta go.
Sorry mate.
Too late.
Shop's closed.
Race home.
Create dish.
Simple one.
So tired.
Won't stay.
Wrap gift.
Race back.
Beautiful city.
Park Charlette.
Very badly.
But safe.
She's safe.
Party's on.
Smiles smiles.
So tired.
Play game.
Break 'marmite'.
Grab bite.
Finger foods.
Say 'bye'.
Gotta run.
Gotta sleep.
Come home.
Have shower.
Another one.
Freezing outside!
Freezing inside.
Little tear.
Frustration maybe.
Tiredness too.
Simeon's coming.
Euph's excited.
Crazy brother.
Miss him.
Write blog.
Drop dead.
Not really.
Just tired.
So tired.
Tomorrow's soon.
Christmas too.
Can't wait.
Lights off.
Christmas ones.
Timer's off.
Euph' sleeps.
Well almost.
Finishes blog.
Little frustrated.
Maybe tired.
Maybe zzzzzzzzzzzzzs....

Dienstag, Dezember 13, 2005

advent, the adventus

We would always light an extra candle each Sunday at this time of the year at church, but I never paid much attention to the meaning of the tradition. So what is Advent? Advent was originally (middle of 6th century) a time of fasting from 11th November to the time Christmas was celebrated. This was to be a time of rememberance of His first coming and preparation for His return. Beyond [dry] liturgy that goes on during this time of the year, it now strikes me as a time of longing for the adventus (lat.), for His coming. At times like now, I don't just long for Him but for His coming or appearing epiphaneia (gr.), for Him to be real to me. And to sweep me up under the shadow of His wings. Yes, I long for You, my Savior.

Montag, Dezember 12, 2005

winter wonderland

Un weekend sympa malgré la journée passée au travail samedi. Les photos sont du dimanche à part celle du garagiste - Charlette a enfin quatre pneus d'hiver. Les deux de la saison dernière ne suffisent qu'en plaine en ce moment. Voilà notre village préféré avec un beau rayon de soleil rien que pour moi hier vers 15h.

Samstag, Dezember 10, 2005

evil euph'

Every evening as I race home, I get this smile on my face and an odd chuckle surface my lips. Strange how a parking subscription can get me so excited. Strange how evil and egocentric my thoughts are in the morning: *enjoy scraping your car fellow neighbor*. It's a small luxury to keep Charlette going and taken care of, ensure a parking space in this crazy border dorm town and avoid the hassle of scraping the frost and snow. One down-side is the evil bakery I have to pass on my way to the underground parking facility.

anspannung und auftanken

Nach siebzehn Stunden bin ich endlich heimgefahren. Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben. Würd' so gern mehr machen können aber länger ging einfach nicht. Das ,,Es tut mir leid, dich gerade zu stören, aber" des GFs zeigt, dass sogar er mein Stress spürt. Seine Reaktion fand ich nett da sie einfühlsam klang. Meine Grenzen nähern sich aber wirklich täglich, während die gesetzte Ziele immer mehr ambitiös werden.
Was will man wirklich? Mein Breakdown erleben oder tatsächlich alle Projekte vor Jahresende zu schliessen (das Unmögliche verwirklichen)? Meinst du, dass ist ein Spiel um meine Grenzen zu identifizieren? *Ich schaff's bestimmt noch bis zum neuen Jahr.* Die Anderen denken ich habe genügend Energie aber sogar ich habe Muskel-Krämpfe, Augenzucken und empfindliche Haut von der Anspannung. Mein Körper schreit "mag nicht mehr" und mein Kopf überwindet (noch) mit einem Flehen "oh Adrenalin, bleib doch dabei!". Das Ganze ist aber nicht unbedingt gesund und ich muss, gerade in diesem Stress irgendwas tun um mich und meine Gesundheit aufzubewaren. Ich flehe dich mit dem Ps 142 an, Herr .
A Propos Auftanken: Endlich habe ich die Bilder von letztem Mittwoch runtergeladen, wo ich etwas kreativ geleitet habe. Eigentlich fand ich's diesmal nicht besonders kreativ sondern einfach, improvisiert und interaktiv. Ich habe von meinem Schlaf ein bisschen was abgeknabbert, damit ich mich auf den Abend vorbereiten konnte. Es war trotz Müdigkeit genial mit meinen Freunden zu sein. Zur Zeit fühlen sich die Abende im Hauskreis wie Nachtruhe an.

Freitag, Dezember 09, 2005

cellule de crise

On nous a quadruplé le nombre d'employés dans mon département et pourtant, on est encore loin de nos objectifs pour fin 2005. Notre cellule de crise est hyper efficace mais il y a tellement à faire. "Et encore, si tu passais tes soirées à sauver des gens, il y aurait du sens à tout ça!" m'a dit ma mère hier soir. Bon, je considère que c'est une phase stressée parmi toutes les autres ici. Vu les heures de sommeil que j'avais eu l'année dernière à la même époque, je ne devrais pas m'inquiéter, hein?

Dienstag, Dezember 06, 2005

signs of seasons'

Montag, Dezember 05, 2005

some shower

After what I would even call a packed week, I rang Leens up to see what the pre-race plans were. Leens is a great friend - you see, there aren't all that many friends who can actually double up as sports doctor, psychologist and friend all at the same time. The friend told me to come by and chill in front of the fire, the sports doctor wanted me to sleep and eat well and the pyschologist wanted to know how the week had been.
That's when I began to recount what had gone on during the week. Strange, each day had some sort of mini-disaster in store for Euph'. The best of them being no doubt the result of my well-intended morning jog.
I remember parking my car on Thursday morning and expressing my thankfulness for the shower at work outloud. I excitedly jumped into the shower to recompense the early physical effort, but only to be greeted by ice-cold-and-getting-colder-by-the-second temperatures. I cranked up the hot hoping any second, the reserve tank might kick in. No chance ...
*That's right, the hot water is off today, how could I forget*
I chose not to let that affect me, an invaluable lesson I have been learning, and dried my hair, thankful that the heating was at last working in the offices.
About 2h30 later, a manager from our floor frantically ran to the cleaning closet. "Euph', the shower!" I ran to the flood scene to help and it pretty bad. Worse than a simple leak. In fact, the hot had began working again and so had everyone else, ignoring the flood until their feet were in a puddle. Water flooded all down the hallway, into the next WC, sept deep into the carpet and crept under the manager's door. In fact, you can still see a stain now. I realized, I had no doubt forgot to turn off the hot tap and this was all my fault. How embarrassing.
Come Friday, I told Leens how happy I was about the weekend. That was, without realizing I would be caught in a snowstorm that evening and experience a total loss of control in my dear Charlette on a mountain road.
Similarly and through the storm of life, especially when everything seems to go wrong, I am tempted to see my cup half empty rather than half full. Am I the only one? The lesson of last week made me thankful for my life and happier than ever for what I have.

Sonntag, Dezember 04, 2005

euph' beim escalade

Das ist ein Teil vom Firmen-Team nach dem Lauf. 10 Sportler meiner Firma durften am Samstag im 28. Escalade-Lauf teilnehmen. Euph' und die Jungs. Hier haben wir unsere Tee-shirts trotz Kälte angegeben. Der berühmte Lauf der Altstadt hat total Spass gemacht. Mit 23'380 Teilnehmern und noch mehr Zuschauern war die Stimmung elektrisch. Ich war krank und für sowas sicher nicht fit aber hätte die Gelegenheit nicht missen wollen. So Eine bin ich, halt. Am Freitag Abend nach einem schwierigen Tag war ich bis 1h in einem Schneesturm in den Bergen. Ich habe die Kontrolle von Charlette nicht mehr gehabt und nach einem 360, war ich in einem Bach. Schrecklich. Irgendwann war ich endlich wieder zu Hause und bin um 7.30 mit dem Staubsauger des Hausmeisters und Kopfschmerzen auch aufgestanden. Bin in der ersten Hälfte meiner Kategorie, und habe mein eigenes Ziel auch erreicht, aber gut, ich wollte nach dem Lauf nur kotzen. Genial wie man seinem Kopf für eine bestimmte Zeitspanne einreden kann, dass er mit seinen Schmerzen eine Runde aufs Klo gehen sollte.

Die nächsten Lauf-Treffen der Region, die mich interessieren:


fast finished?

Hi guys, well Euph' seems to be back. At least for the moment. My space and use of it might take on a slightly different feel. I decided to switch URL host. Hope this doesn't lead to too much confusion. Giving blogging another go and hoping it won't fall into the wrong blog surfer dudes.