december day
Eyes squint.
Dark outside.
Eyelids close.
Cell rings.
Hands search.
Eyes closed.
Still closed.
Lights off.
Christmas ones.
My own.
(Timer off).
Door slams.
Not mine.
Mind awakes.
Eyes bulge.
Neck turns.
It's late.
Music on.
Really loud.
Bed made.
Shower fast.
Clothes hunt.
Preparation regrets.
These ones!
(No ironing.)
Music off.
Lights off.
Inside ones.
Leave house.
Turn key.
Race out.
As usual.
So tired.
Still tired.
Scared too.
A little.
Car starts.
First smile.
(My own.)
Music on.
Second smile.
(My own.)
Charlette races.
Not me.
Customs frowns.
Looks mean.
Third smile.
Can go.
Tunnels galore.
Park car.
Take elevator.
Freezing outside.
See building.
Stomach cramps.
Mind stronger.
Swipe card.
Door opens.
Telephone rings.
Few hellos.
Stacked papers.
My own.
List there.
"to dos"
Sit down.
Breathe in.
Telephone rings.
Post arrives.
Telephone rings.
Run downstairs.
Run upstairs.
Telephone rings.
Deadline soon.
Deadline tomorrow.
Deadline's past.
Colleague complains.
No time.
Say sorry.
Lunchtime's here.
Already here.
Telephone rings.
Working lunch.
"to dos".
Boss calls.
Nice today.
Never know.
Few catastrophies.
Little cry.
Brief team.
"to dos".
So much.
To do.
Great colleague.
She leaves.
Vacation time.
Home alone.
Meaning, me!
"Don't go!"
She's gone.
Less help.
Colleague smiles.
Another one.
He's happy.
Paper stack.
Still there.
Gotta run.
House group.
Call Leens.
Needs juice.
Telephone rings.
"Colleague here"
"need help".
Tough luck.
Gotta go.
Sorry mate.
Too late.
Shop's closed.
Race home.
Create dish.
Simple one.
So tired.
Won't stay.
Wrap gift.
Race back.
Beautiful city.
Park Charlette.
Very badly.
But safe.
She's safe.
Party's on.
Smiles smiles.

So tired.
Play game.
Break 'marmite'.
Grab bite.
Finger foods.
Say 'bye'.
Gotta run.
Gotta sleep.
Come home.
Have shower.

Another one.
Freezing outside!
Freezing inside.
Little tear.
Frustration maybe.
Tiredness too.
Simeon's coming.
Euph's excited.
Crazy brother.
Miss him.
Write blog.
Drop dead.
Not really.
Just tired.
So tired.
Tomorrow's soon.
Christmas too.
Can't wait.
Lights off.
Christmas ones.
Timer's off.
Euph' sleeps.
Well almost.
Finishes blog.
Little frustrated.
Maybe tired.
Maybe zzzzzzzzzzzzzs....
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