Samstag, November 25, 2006
Dienstag, November 21, 2006
ganz viele gedanken
finally, some facts

The meetings were insightful, getting to know scores of people was crucial to my new job and the course was just so stimulating. I thrive on learning new things - and this was certainly a lot of technicalities to take in. Working on brand identity, you can easily loose the bigger picture, so it was excellent.
Being back in America was great and not so much of a reverse culture shock that I normally fear. The seams in the freeway, the strawberry cream cheese and the free wireless were just so fun. I guess being there with someone who knows your anxiousness, your anticipation and enjoys it helps. It helps a lot.

Still, after hundreds of frustrating and thrilling hours of Skype over none less than 9 time zones, Andrew held my hand in person. A heart-felt declaration followed him asking me to think and pray about how I felt if he gave up his job, flat, life at the end of this year and came over to live here for a few months. The idea being, we will never be able to get to know each other better over Skype if one of us doesn't make a move. A great time of prayer together followed in Central Park and I was left to bring it up to God on my own this last Saturday.
The role he plays at his company makes the step all the more significant. It goes without saying that it will be a tremendous loss for them. Yet we have both separately flooded heaven's gates with zillions of questions and earnest desire for wisdom and guidance above our desires. So, what happens when inexplicable peace enough for today abounds and yet the future remains unknown?
A crazy step like Andrew coming to live in Geneva/ France the first or second week of January 2007.
SO excited!
Samstag, November 18, 2006
la liberté

Donnerstag, November 09, 2006
ab nach amerika
Dienstag, November 07, 2006
delirious ça défoule
Ce soir, la course était dure par ce froid de canard. Entraînement en ville suivi de 6 sprints à 95% de 600m. Ca calme, crois-moi. L'entraîneur m'a dit que je pouvais avoir une "cloppe dans le bec" tellement je donnais l'impression que je ne forçais pas. Pourtant, chaque foulée me paraissait comme une barrière de l'impossible. Contente d'y être allée. Ca défoule vu que les journées sont relativement dénudées de toute distraction. Mais... MAIS.. demain, c'est Delirious qui sera en concert à Genève. Incroyable mais vrai, j'avais presque oublié. Mike a dû me le rappeller. Sacrée Euph' - après tout ça.
PS: Merci de ton vote Chrysante. Oui, c'est effectivement le 12 novembre la date limite! J'ai besoin de vos votes mes amis. :)