proud of you!

And here's mom, guest speaker at the pinning ceremony. Sim got her tricked into speaking in front of the crowd of 800+ guests about her story and days as midwife. She did just great - look at her loving it! Feef, we missed out!!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.
At 3:48:00 AM,
Anonym said…
wish I could have been there, looks like a wild time....looks like that guest speaker did a great job with the hand motions! (and congrats on the multiple "ropes" simeon...honors abound!)
At 12:24:00 PM,
Anonym said…
I am very happy for him. I let a message of congrats on his webpage...Wasn't your mom a nurse??
At 9:59:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Ouais, infirmière puis sage-femme. J'ai vu le message sur son page - c'est sympa de ta part. Il sera content!
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