euph's extras..
stop by my guest map ...
what I'm reading ...
- A very inspiring autobiography and glimpse into radical management from guru change-agent and former CEO of GE, Jack Welch.
How to Change the World - Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas?
Dad. I'm readin'it! Ways to impact our world in small and big ways. How different business and social entrepreneurs are and how they can learn from eachother.- Name: euphonies
- Standort: coming to a town near you .. perhaps!
some snapshots ...
Über mich
Some see me as creative and a little exotic - maybe because I named my car Odette and talked about her virtually every day - dont know. I love Germany and the Germans but don't go for "sauer kraut" - cannot explain why! Come to think of it, I still love my late 1991 Opel Kadett and cannot explain that either.
Meet an international 26 year old with a great love for family, friends, teachers and role models, who have molded me into the person I am now. I have a great respect for them, only topped by my respect for God in my life.I have grown up partially in France, partially in the USA, lived in a bunch of places and love flexibility and mobility that cross-cultural experiences create. I just love cutting-edge/world-changing goal-oriented radical thinking and aspire to live life to its fullest.
I am a Myers-Briggs type ENTJ with ambition and vision and I dream to create a framework to equip entrepreneurs professionally and practically for overseas business implementation for life-changing & saving ministry purposes.
At 4:16:00 PM,
Cove Red said…
hey gurl! GREAT pictures!!! Everything looks so nice and perfect that I feel like riding with you guys and feel the wind blowing against my face or drink some wine on the front poach and just chill babe.
Anyways just sidetrack abit, you never fail to co-ordinate your wardrobe with matching earrings eh? =) Hee hee.. Lookin' great! =) cant wait to hear more bout your life
At 8:36:00 AM,
Anonym said…
I was so happy you wrote in English. Who are you riding bicycles with? And who are the two women in the picture? I like the one of you and happy! Looks like the weather is warm from what you are wearing.....I hope it stays that way! Whoo-hoo, we're coming to France!!!
At 3:52:00 AM,
Anonym said…
looks like a blast, wish I could have been there. And by the way, who's that couple in the last photo? They look great together....related or something?
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