euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Donnerstag, April 05, 2007

croatia, here we come!

6:35am and there's still a bit to do at home before I go to work. We're hoping to leave before the rush hour tonight. I'll just swing by to pick the cooler and throw my things and then we're off to Croatia. I have tomorrow and Monday off making for a rare long weekend. If we can leave on time, it'll be a pure delight to catch a glimpse of the Mont Blanc & Val d'Aosta during daylight. Happy Easter to all!


  • At 10:04:00 AM, Blogger Cove Red said…

    finallY! A post from my fav french gurl! =) Have fun at Croatia dear! =) BIG HUGS!Btw, the Culinary catastrophe is HILARIOUS...

  • At 8:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    They found the tomb empty...and then He was risen...Happy Easter to you too! That is such a great season...


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