Back at work and straight into the swing of things. My colleague is off for a week, so hardly a chance to daydream. I see they don't want me to be bored in my last month. The special YLG06 experience is still lingering and I want to enjoy it but can't. I knew it. So much to do. Client meeting, new brief, timings, cost estimates, creative brief, old project review - standstill since me leaving to Malaysia. Oh joy. .
I feel the hundreds of kilometers I walked with Leens in Spain in June in pursuit of God needed to be followed up with more quiet time with Him. My soul is adamant to scour for such a time now. I wont let work steal my joy though. I don't want to be here, but I must. And me being here makes YLG06 so important, right? The shared experiences, the support, the listening ears - the personal email - these should all be a great propellor so why do I feel I'm landing in turbulence? But wait, I can't dwell in the past - in last week. But I can choose to enjoy the now - the communication whilst it lasts. Perhaps my new friends will get tired of me? Either of that or of time change, who knows.
In anycase, I got a call from Mathieu from Congo-Zaire this evening. He just arrived home this afternoon after a long voyage. He wanted to hear me and check if my number worked. So sweet. His family must have tried desperately to get in contact with him as I have just noticed six missed calls from +243. I forgot my mobile at home today.
What a different world I live in here. Surrounded by wealth and futility. I sms mom and dad to pick me up from the airport, speed up the mountain, zip to work in Rhonda my dear Honda, eat lunch till my belly is filled, work without my body hurting and come home to surf the net or call a friend.
Guys, the injustice is blatant.
In fact, I was able to speak to Elke Werner about my invitation to serve in a much poorer place. I think I could do it. But is it right for me now? And she was such a dear in her response. She heard me out. She heard my heart and passion for the nation and the team on the ground and yet sees that I am still young enough to be attractive by the marketplace here. She helped me greatly to go through many issues and I learnt something. I realize this world here is crippled too. Just with other things. Imagine being crippled with wealth. Not good.
YLG was tiring with all the translation canker sores yet "uber"energizing with the conversations, the meetings, the faith of many and the continued contact of a select few.
I desire for the YLG to become a new empirical basis for my now - for the teachings to trickle into my soul and transform my stubborn mind and feet instead of merely looking back with fond memories. Does this make sense or am I flipping the pancake wrong?
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