euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Sonntag, Oktober 22, 2006

puzzle pieces

I guess I consider myself to be open to most music styles except maybe too much reggae (yawn), rap or metal. Give me some Steve Reich, Miles Davis to analyze. Let me rock my car out with Brittany Dillon or Darlene Zschech. So yes, translating a heavy metal concert was a first for me. Before the concert, one of the young organizers asked me whether I liked this music...
I responded with a frank: "no!" and laughed it off saying half-heartedly that it was the message that counted tonight, not necessarily the style of "music". The evening ended up being so powerful with a clear message and call to salvation brought to the youth of Gex, humbling me and my preconceived ideas immediately.
I was on the stage as Kevin Young (vocals) of the group Disciple started preaching to the crowd. They had come from Tenessee (sp.?) in the USA to speak to the lives of these French youths. It was awesome. It was clear-cut and genuine. It changed my outlook and was such an amazing thing to be a part of and able to serve there. Hey, and I even got a free CD ;). God, change my stubborn heart! Here's a pic at the end of the night:
A few hours later, I was off way past Lausanne with my special work colleague. We had a Saturday morning appointment at Lavey for a complete massage. Belated birthday present. Here is a pic just afterwards - greasy hair from the oils. This was a very new experience for me and the masseuse reminded me to attempt at least to stop talking and relax. :) What? Me, talkative?

Today, it was off to another work colleague's home. She was quite disappointed to hear me leave when she returns from her maternity leave. It would have no doubt been a great working relationship with her, but that was not meant to be. 5 more days and several leaving meals to go. I didn't take any pix of the afternoon but her house had a clear view of vineyards in front of the lake and a breathtaking view of the mountains. Just beautiful. I didn't have her mobile number or even her address - just the directions to get there. But this is Switzerland - her neighbors pointed her house out. I just had to chuckle. (I mean, my neighbors don't even know me in my own appartment block here in France).

And the last pic I took was from my underground parking spot especially for someone, who doesn't think estate cars (station wagons) can be cool. You know who you are. ;)

[hmm, for some reason it won't upload, I'll just send it to you by email]

Anyway, sorry my post wasn't somehow more deep and meaningful this time. Just thought to let you in on part of the weekend - albeit in puzzle piece format.