This day has been good and I feel it should last and last and last.
My first ever Geneva cinema experience (no, NOT joking) and I watched "The devil wears Prada" with a beautiful couple. My life was Andrea's for a long time - in fact the resemblance was really quite scary. I am free from many of the things that held me captive then, yet still desire to be freed of remaining habits, relationships and situations that have a stronghold over me.
Went for a little joy ride with Rhonda under this splendid full moon. Fuuu-hun. Just enough time to reflect on several points raised by the dear people I hung out with tonight. And I will admit, I am still in that reflective mode now.
I am not lost in a trite daydream. It is much more a sobering realization that freedon and love are found in Jesus alone.
During this countdown of these last few minutes of Friday, I struggle to surrender my body to the rest it apparently requires. This is one of those fresh October nights with a light breeze that makes me want to reflect on how wide, how long, how high and how deep God's love really is for us (Ephesians 3:18).
Almost reminds me of the excitement I would get when my dad would say to his little girl: "I love you from here all the way to my back."
How much more (sorry dad!) is God's love for his children? It's infinitely wide, long, high, deep - and ultimately unfathomable. Wow - think of long love. What does this mean? Boggles this mind a bit and makes me want to sing praises back to Him and pick up my flute. (Can't believe I am letting the world into my sphere of intimacy here) Unfortunately my neighbors need a break as they always comment on the fact they hear me singing when I am at home. hahaha! So instead of bringing out my flute, I have an awesome track from Passion's Everything Glorious album playing exceptionally quietly at this moment. Imagine a group of men crying out:
How marvellous, how wonderful is my Savior's love for me.
Is this not awesome? Only in the Body of Christ.
Sleep well and happy weekend my fellow Europeans!
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