She left on that 6:30 a.m. flight and boy does it hurt. I want to support Leens as much as I can in her move, and I knew that dragging her down with the way I really feel, is less than helpful at this difficult time. This brave facade only lasted until I actually saw the orange&grey bird take off overhead. I burst into tears from the pain of physical loss of my special friend. Secretly dreading our 4:30 wake up call, I had wanted last night to last and last and last. We hung out with a pizza, an Italian [medium] red and more things to say than time allowed for and then eventually hit the sack with the balcony lighting show. Bear with me this morning, I am a bit on the edge. Yet there was that special reminder of God's faithfulness to us both - a blazing sun rise. Surely a God faithful enough to call the sun to rise each day, will be strong enough to hold us both in the palm of His loving hands and big enough to fill this painful void. Leens, you will never know what impact you have on my life. This is a time of new beginnings, a bright new adventure - but believe me when I say I miss you deeply and can't wait for our trip to Nepal!
At 11:03:00 AM,
Anonym said…
je pense à toi, malgré notre départ (ce jour) en vacances ! bises et à bientôt !
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