euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Montag, Juli 17, 2006

lake life

We rallied up about six people to come with Jo and myself to the beach after church. Leens knew of one of the quieter beaches to hang out in. It was great fun and sort of strange to just sit and relax. Though it hurt to be with Leens and be reminded of the void she will soon leave, the afternoon will be safely kept in my mental SD card - so glad she was there. The inflatable ball was apparently more acceptable than an innocent game of Twister - though I never thought I could pull a neck muscle playing ball in the lake. This morning I woke up stiffer than robocop and went straight to the docs - what a chicken! I guess I couldn't have the "neckbrace look" at tonight's concert sponsored by one of my suppliers. By the time Mike and I made it to the semi-outdoor Czech classical concert, the anti-inflammatories must have started to set in. I think Mike would agree the concert was nice, especially with the sun setting on the lake during the interval and some posh men forcing you to endulge in bubby and poor little black fish eggs. ;)