As the internet gets more and more scarce, I think it is a good idea to jump on the occasion. Best to write in English as I think it is the most common language here. :)
So, we´re in Logroño (outback Spain) now at one of the refuges. Has been quite the adventure to make it here, so we decided it will have to be ok to start the real hiking part tomorrow. I spent some of my night on the WC floor in excruciating pain and had to wake up my poor friend before I would pass out. We decided, seeing this, to take it easy today and to delay our bus trip from Bilbao by a bit. By this time, Leens realized her passport was gone. We called Iberia, Bilbao airport and the lost and found, whilst I recovered. We changed our plan of action. We needed to relax today, find a police station so we can leave on Saturday and just take the bus with the best time and connections. According to our guide, the place where we intended to start was flat. Coming from Geneva, that just wasn´t about to amuse us. So, we´re doing the Camino backwards! Just to get some hills in. We spent a few hours in the police station, and I asked one of the officers to sign our shells as a souvenir. Was quite the experience. Anyway, 36 degrees was pretty hot to wait for the bus in, so we went into a café to have some tapas. Coming out it was 27 degrees - a storm must be brewing. Perfect time to travel by bus in and to settle into the refuge. Now, we are supposed to be in the most luxurious stations - hmm.. :) but hey, true, these 1998 PCs actually have internet! Anyway, it will be interesting sleeping in a smelly mixed dorm with 60 other people - but they say you get used to it. So, since most people here are up at 4h30, curfew (!) is at 9:30pm. Thats soon! This is very exciting - people of all walks of life are here (they have come by bike, on foot, with a donkey!) - most with bandaids on their feet. Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we are alive and kicking - full of adventures as always - thanks to the miracle morphine suppositories and some great chats with good looking Spanish officiales de policia. I dont expect internet to be so easy to come by at the next stations.. will update you if there is. Of course!
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