euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Samstag, Juni 10, 2006

i found internet!

One thing is for sure - if a place has Internet access, I will find it! :)
Ola from Los Arcos! What a trek to do the Camino backwards from Logroño (27km). No signs to show you if you are headed down the wrong path. It was a great sunny day and a real test of endurance. At the end, we decided we wanted to bike this, next time. We are settled into this lazy spanish village now, with one whole grocery corner shop open at 6:30pm - of course closed for the siesta now! Leens is in the shower. Place is basic, with another mixed dormitory - but everything you could want is here (use of an old internet terminal for 16 mins costing 1Eur). It costs 1 EUR more than last night to sleep - but bonus, curfew is one whole hour later :) 10:30pm. At 4 EUR a night per person, we are in our budget today :). The walk was good for us. Great discussions, prayer time and of course a perfect way to live out James chapter 1, the passage we read together for today!