Surprise visit! Andy is in town for the emergent gathering going on Tuesday & Wednesday. Very cool - haven't seen him since I graduated in 03. Since London, he has moved with his wife to Marburg (D). I think I might just ask Mike if he wants to come along to Starbucks tonight so we can continue our pub discussion from the other night with him. .
Post-post: Alex & Mike ended up joining the reunion, making it a unique evening. Mike took this pic after dinner. We went to the good ol' Chez ma Cousine. "Cheap & cheerful" as they say - at least for Swiss standards. Pic looks awkward because I was hoping you could read the sign in the background. "my cousin suggests salad with warm goat"! The place is full of character.
It was great to see Andy and to hear how he and Liz are being used in Germany. Sounds like Christus Treff is in good hands ;)
At 11:38:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Starbucks in the French Aubonne is as unlikely as Mc Do would be in the Caz. ;) *
At 1:20:00 AM,
H-dog said…
Ich war erst einmal bei Starbucks. Ist das eine Schande? ;) Und das auch nur, weil unser Prof dauernd davon geredet hat und so begeistert davon ist. Den praktischen Nutzen, den man von Starbucks bekommt, muss man eben auch bezahlen.
What is Caz?
At 4:55:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Hey <)))<,
Caz ist ein Dorf in den Bergen :).
Ne, Starbucks ist cool, aber wie du sagst, teuer. Verstehe mich halt gut mit den Jungs dort. Hab' eine Art Fanclub dort (frage mich nicht wie das geschehen ist) und krieg Zeug kostenlos - Abends Kuchen für die Suppenküche, und tagsüber grosszügige Kaffees (und Kaffee). Also, für mich lohnt es sich allein deswegen. ;)
Grüsse nach Mannheim!*
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