euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Sonntag, Mai 28, 2006

heavenly heights

10.5 hikers. 10 lunches. Only 10km convoy from our meeting point. We hiked straight up from the place we parked the vehicles. I was taken aback by the beauty after every turn. At the summit (1720m), a Finnish key-chain read 21 degrees. All in all, it was a great day and a perfect way to spend Saturday. Thanks guys!

Took off some pix on the blog and then dumped those of yesterday's hike in the Jura here so the page will load faster.
Tip: the hike pix are at the end of the "home, geneva, suburbs" set.


  • At 6:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…


    I AM SOOO jealous babes!

    trop. ah lalala.....



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