The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.
Freitag, Mai 05, 2006
athlete's anguish
I appreciate the idea-log. Since the Geneva race is in less than 3 days, I considered them all - besides Benny's kind suggestion to amputate ;) - everything from ladies stockings under socks to betadine and all the rest. Back in town and full of ideas, my dad came up with a solution of applying ground rice as a paste. At this stage, I'll try anything.
So, what do you think, is it getting any better? ;)
Hi dad, thanks for the tips. I repeated the rice trick with the leftover ground rice powder - shame time has run out for the three day vasoline coconut idea. I think I'll need this as a reference for Monday, pas vrai? :) - Loving my dad, as always*
Dad. I'm readin'it! Ways to impact our world in small and big ways. How different business and social entrepreneurs are and how they can learn from eachother.
Some see me as creative and a little exotic - maybe because I named my car Odette and talked about her virtually every day - dont know. I love Germany and the Germans but don't go for "sauer kraut" - cannot explain why! Come to think of it, I still love my late 1991 Opel Kadett and cannot explain that either.
Meet an international 26 year old with a great love for family, friends, teachers and role models, who have molded me into the person I am now. I have a great respect for them, only topped by my respect for God in my life.I have grown up partially in France, partially in the USA, lived in a bunch of places and love flexibility and mobility that cross-cultural experiences create. I just love cutting-edge/world-changing goal-oriented radical thinking and aspire to live life to its fullest.
I am a Myers-Briggs type ENTJ with ambition and vision and I dream to create a framework to equip entrepreneurs professionally and practically for overseas business implementation for life-changing & saving ministry purposes.
At 11:46:00 AM,
euphonies said…
Hi dad, thanks for the tips. I repeated the rice trick with the leftover ground rice powder - shame time has run out for the three day vasoline coconut idea. I think I'll need this as a reference for Monday, pas vrai? :) - Loving my dad, as always*
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