Can't believe it is already "tomorrow". What am I going to do? I'm feeling pretty unsettled about this situation but I'm going to convince myself it's okay and just brave the wind and try to keep my integrity and stick to my beliefs. "Augen zu und durch"! Working night and day most days lately probably accentuates my fear of this moment. Just hope I can sleep the whole night for a change. One thing's for sure, my soul needs some feeding this weekend - What does Jennifer Knapp sing? "I'm weak and I am more, I am lost.. but I am your's. Hold me now". Great tune, relevant words.
At 12:37:00 AM,
Anonym said…
Still praying for you - you'll do what's right.
At 10:45:00 PM,
StrangelyClear said…
Hey Euphonies!
Wow, you've been here all the time?
I've missed reading about your amazing life... even the bits I can't understand ;) I was sad when you shut down your (what I now know to be "other") blog :(
Just thought I'd clear up those words for you:
"I'm weak, I'm poor, I'm broken, Lord, but I'm Yours."
It is a truly wonderful insight. My problem is I find I have to say them so often to the Lord I think the meaning is wearing "thin", if you see what I mean.
Anywho, a couple of months ago 'we' found a notebook of yours from when you were international sec. (Apparently it's supposed to be handed down from sec to sec, but it seems it missed a 'generation' or two somehow). It's amazing! Where do you find the time for all this writing you do - thoughts, feelings, impressions, decisions, notes from meetings (they look like they've been written up AFTER the meetings!!) WOW, the things you write! You're a wonderful woman of God, Euphonies. I'm encouraged to just have been able to know you ever so slightly for a very short time!
God bless you richly!
Lots of love,
"SC" :8
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