Each time I lay down and inhale, I have to cough. These coughing fits have been going on for three nights now and are not making it easy to get to sleep. But tomorrow, no sleep-in allowed. We will be hanging out with Leens before work and seeing Andrew off to Australia. Somehow, I have to make it to the airport by 6.45 at the latest. Ever since the triathlon, our special swimmer became something like our brother. We will miss annoying him in that annoying sisterly way. I kindly reminded him it was International Women's Day and he wasn't to annoy me back. The least we can do is to see him off.. maybe I can still make a card or something for him.
Otherwise, homegroup was great yet packed. My friend came along, really enjoyed the clarity of the message, freaked out when we decided to lay hands on Andrew and couldn't understand all the rest due to the language. I lent her a French Bible and told her to read the next few chapters in advance before next week. That might help a bit. I'm getting itchy feet to see something happening for these guys. Clément hasn't got back to me yet, but I am still going to try to set up a meeting with Chrysante's Alpha CH contact for us to meet and bounce some ideas off him.
At 4:18:00 PM,
euphonies said…
eine neue seite?
schon wieder!?
ok, ich schau mal vorbei..
bis die tage in dem fall.*
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