The evening was excellently challenging. I'm glad I didn't listen to my laziness and let the rain become my meagre excuse for not leaving the house. The postmodern thought process of tonight's topic is difficult to explain in this space. Its like taking what you think you know and stretching it until it pops. Sometimes, I only think I hang on because of my philosophy classes in the French lycée. The "once every three weeks" frequency works great for me. You wouldn't want many more gatherings per month, otherwise you wouldn't get anything done! You'd just be thinking! If you were really interested, Shema has a blog of its own - hmm, I just checked it out and it doesn't look up to date, so nevermind! :) Anyway, I benefit hugely from Josh, from the interaction with the group and from the time I spend with the people there. These guys are each walking clusters of vibrant networks of friends. lol...
Back at home, I am settling down with a tea and trying desperately to finish my "urgent email" list for this weekend. Guess I will be in the office early as I haven't finished what I wanted to for tomorrow.. but what's new.
PS: a burning question I have to my German friends on this blogring is, why do my tea instructions say: ,,Mit frischem, sprudelnd kochendem Wasser aufgiessen" and not ,,Mit frischem, sprudelnd kochenden Wasser aufgiessen"? Any hints?
At 11:33:00 PM,
Anonym said…
Weil es halt so ist! :)
Es ist ne Aufzählung von zwei Adjektiven, die sich auf das Wasser beziehen, frisch und kochend. Wenn es also frischem heißt, muss es auch kochendem heissen.. Das sprudelnd bezieht sich auf kochend, bleibt daher unverändert..
At 12:35:00 AM,
Dustin said…
i'd answer if i was actually bilingual.
At 8:55:00 AM,
euphonies said…
Thanks for your input Dustin, I'll call on you for French maybe ;).
Ciao Carst - mein Deutsch Lehrer! Danke für die Hilfe. Ist also eine Aufzählung und nicht Kongruenz wie ,,das grosse Mädchen".. kapiert.*
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