euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Freitag, Februar 03, 2006

media mesh

It won't be long until ad agencies and media houses will race to new intrusive methods of "hijaking the mind" with old products. We all know it. One German industrial filter company took the threat seriously and recently widened its product range upon the idea of another excentric Frenchman, who asked about the feasibility of his crazy advertizing idea on a diode embedded metallic filter wall. Und voilà, an unadventured market niche discovered! Another wild example leveraging Franco-German expertise to produce realistic (German) innovation (French).
Was watching this on streaming Euromaxx (Deutsche Welle) - just look out for this type of projection on both sides from see-through concrete (embedded optical glass fibers), bendable non-rust metal and other high-tech opto semiconductor walls projecting lightshows like the one here (I've seen one in Geneva) but also films and ads on it. In fact, you wont even have to look out for them. :)
I think the metal diode filter wall is called "media mesh", but can't find much about it on the Net yet..