Blogspot was panicking a bit yesterday and published a double of my post and cannot find either of them this morning. I believe that yesterdays comments have disappeared in the ether too (that goes for your crazy comment too dad (anonymous! :)). Never mind. As a consolation, here are a few pix of the day yesterday. They look a bit dark, but getting late for even the 11am service, so here it goes until I can touch them up:
1,2: turtle wax in-between-waxing la belle (je vais quand même pas dire la bête non!?) 3,4: Grand Théâtre de Genève 5,6: Birthday girl, on b-day -1
.. and then today, on b-day. A special day combined with Crossroads, Calm, Colin's ordination and good conversations (including girlie ones :)) ..
At 4:26:00 PM, Anonym said…
Great Charlette, missed Odette, but no regret, still less in debt.
At 7:20:00 AM, Anonym said…
Il y a un an...nous rentrions de Geneve direction les Mur et Rouen...une nuit passee chez toi, juste le temps de feter rapidement au petit dej l'anniversaire de ta maman (Bon anniversaire !!(un tout petit peu en retard je crois !;))et puis nous nous sommes separes devant St suis parti dans mon train et toi vers l'hopital pour ta Parotyde (desole je ne sais pas comment ca s'ecrit :))le temps passe vite, trop vite :(
At 11:59:00 AM, euphonies said…
Oui, le temps passe très vite, tu as raison, Benny. Je regardais la photo dernièrement justement. Ca veut dire que je ne t'ai pas vu depuis un an? Incroyable! :( *
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