euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Dienstag, Januar 31, 2006

no more news!

Tons of news today.
More horror stories in national press of a town long known as our home, Les Mur. (Why can't Les Mur. make the news for a nobel prize or something more honorable?) Huge accident on the road involving a few burnt cars on my way to the mountains tonight after work. Sudden death of a colleague's wife - I'm not meant to know, but at least I can pray for this widow, his small baby and toddler. More suffering for a strong woman, who used to go to our church. In fact, her story made national news today. He husband had killed her 9 month old and shot her, sending him straight to prison. Upon his release, this lovely lady again welcomed him back and tried to forgive. They had another child together and could have lived happily ever after. He left a note letting her know he was taking the kid for a walk. As it turned out, he killed himself. Selfishly killing the child too.
The suffering all these people are facing now surpasses words. In fact, no word could describe what these guys and their families are facing tonight. My heart goes out to all of them surely because of the familiarity of location or relationship. Yet, as C. so brilliantly put it - as cruel as it is, such is the circle of life. Indeed, as she informed me of one tragic piece of news, she was expecting news from the birth in the family. And speaking of births, we watched "L'Odyssée de la vie" tonight, a fascinating documentary on the development of a fetus right up to birth.
And so, as life continues to surprise me with its ups and downs, I pray that I will be able to keep my anchor in the One who generously chose to give me life. In fact, reminds me a little of what was said on Sunday. It is easy to give thanks when things are all rosy. But what am I like when stuff just doesn't go as planned? The news also puts my circumstances and small sufferings into perspective.