euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Freitag, Oktober 21, 2005

berechtigte begrüssung

,,Hallo verrückte Frau" ist nicht unbedingt die übliche Begrüssung von Lloyd, aber ich habe schon verstanden was er meinte. Es hat sicher damit zu tun, dass ich mich mit ihm für ein Gespräch um 22h getroffen habe. Andere Termine gingen nicht, und ich wollte nicht ewiglang warten, bis wir meine Fragen über Berufung, Ausrüstung dafür und Engagement in der Gemeinde beantwortet hatten. Es tat gut, Reaktionen von einer objektiven Person zu meinem Alltag und meinen Plänen zu bekommen und wo ich meine Zeit besser nutzen könnte. Das weiss ich zu schätzen, da ich in manchen Dingen stagniere. Er findet es nicht unbedingt. Ich aber schon und dafür bin ich echt zu jung. Das war ein Gespräch mit guten Impulsen und sowie praktischer Hilfe zur Entwicklung und Veränderung. Ich will mich verändern lassen, sonst würde ich seine kostbare Zeit nicht vergeuden wollen.


  • At 7:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    It's amazing how quickly stagnation can sneak up on you in the midst of the daily grind, even when that daily grind is rather unorthodox...maybe that's the crux of a strange paradox, the chronically unpredictable life that results nevertheless in predictable responses deaf to the wonder of what God is constantly at work accomplishing through and in us. Everyone's life is at once wildly unique and painfully uniform, and thankfully we have each other as well as God's word to balance this out and restore the sense of wonder that accomplishes goals that tend to habitually tarnish. Even God's 3-nature person evidences this joy in contrasting interaction in His never-changing nature. One reason I love your postings, as they contrast so much with my daily existence while sharing the same hope that our daily routines and the supports that give them 3-deminsions will pass away, but individual souls along with God's purposes that our routines(hopefully) further and glorify will never pass away.

  • At 7:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    It's amazing how quickly stagnation can sneak up on you in the midst of the daily grind, even when that daily grind is rather unorthodox...maybe that's the crux of a strange paradox, the chronically unpredictable life that results nevertheless in predictable responses deaf to the wonder of what God is constantly at work accomplishing through and in us. Everyone's life is at once wildly unique and painfully uniform, and thankfully we have each other as well as God's word to balance this out and restore the sense of wonder that accomplishes goals that tend to habitually tarnish. Even God's 3-nature person evidences this joy in contrasting interaction in His never-changing nature. One reason I love your postings, as they contrast so much with my daily existence while sharing the same hope that our daily routines and the supports that give them 3-deminsions will pass away, but individual souls along with God's purposes that our routines(hopefully) further and glorify will never pass away.


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