Oops, little casualty in the kitchen - never buy your chicken mc nuggets at Aldi's. No, just kidding. This is simply a case of oil from the pan having dripped into the flame and the extractor must have accentuated the fire. I tried to clean and scrub as much as I could but it is not really going away. All the sudden, my dear little nuggets, the felt in the heat extractor and the wall tiles with all the wall decorations were up in flames. Could have been much worse though. In retrospect, the actions I took were not too bad: chill and don't freak out, turn off the hob, try to extinguish the fire. Still gave me the shakes afterwards though!
At 8:38:00 AM,
Anonym said…
comment oses-tu critiquer Aldi!!un de mes supermarches preferes!!!
At 10:53:00 AM,
euphonies said…
:) moi, j'aime Lidl. Mais bon, c'est une histoire de goûts - euh - de budgets :))*
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