Our summer company party is bound to be unique. There have been lots of hours invested into the family event. I had to just chuckle at the randomness of my hours spent at work, especially ever since I got back from holidays on Sunday. I mean, here I am, sitting and interviewing a magician for the event. Poor Bino came to reception and said "I am the magician.." and before he could say he was in to see me, the receptionist got defensive and asked him if he was "making fun of her or what?" Back in our conference room, the guy starts to flip some coins and asks me to play along, whilst tapping on my shoulder annoyingly to rob my attention from the coins. He also specialises in balloon art - so he thought I might like to keep the balloons in the shape of a flower with a bear hanging off of it and put it all in my office.
Nice going, Bino...
.. don't call us, we'll call you, yeah? ;)
At 2:01:00 PM,
Anonym said…
Bino sounds like quite a gas...at least has plenty of hot air...bad jokes are nothing to get bent out of shape over or get blown up out of proportion because of...maybe it was just something I ate...
At 7:53:00 AM,
euphonies said…
hey wild, thanks for the b-day card, CD and for the article. really special!*
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