Washed my first load with my new washing machine - dropped off in my studio "with love". We must be nearing the end with the Les Mur house move!
Now when my parents call, it echoes.
When yahoo messanger breaks into the PC screen, it's about house visits, unloading or signing some legal document. This is a new phase. I asked mom what she feels about moving into possibly this area. When I heard her answer, reasssuring me she "loves it", I started to get excited.
And not just because of the washing machine!
For both my parents and myself, its all about being free from debt this month.
In a good week, the extra work - the dear sacrifice - will have paid off.
Time to enter a new phase: investing and making income grow.
Wait a moment, this sounds familiar ..
Reminds me of a much more significant debt I have been set free from and the new life I can have! That is even more beautiful a story.
Have a great day, wherever you may be.
At 9:35:00 PM,
Anonym said…
Hey, I have heard of this beautiful story too! It's really beautiful, so beautiful that every time I think about it I feel like singing!! Singing a new song!! How fortunate we are...oh wow!
And, if your parents move to this area, could I possibly adopt them as my parents? Of course I could! That what you're gonna say, right? :^)
At 11:08:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Hi guys, thanks for stopping by. You must be right about the neighbours thing. I mean, if I were to decide between you and the joint smoking ones, or maybe you would prefer the suicidal couple with 5 dogs for comparison purpouses, you would just slightly gain the advantage. Long live Hillsongs - God He reigns!!*
PS: Of course, you too can join the family!
At 2:34:00 AM,
Anonym said…
Romans 13:8 "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law."
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