euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Donnerstag, Juli 28, 2005

new negotiation

I am expecting a full load of work today. Another negotiation meeting is scheduled during the day as well. Over the months I have found this to be one of my favorite parts of my job. After wheeling and dealing with a supplier again this week ("wow madam, how did you just do that?"), I decided it would be fun to see how much money it has actually saving the company. Must be my French side coming out because my colleague Tracy gets a kick out of it every time. Indeed, no doubt is the gift of negotiation very French in nature... The trick to bargaining prices down is to go as low as you can without them actually feeling like they are being ripped off. That is no fun. The win/win scenario with "give and take" takes a lot of sensitivity to the other person's needs. When there is no sensitivity, no emotion there or they are just merciless with you, you can just go for it - the mirror effect. We'll see today how it goes.


  • At 7:58:00 PM, Blogger euphonies said…

    salut séverine! tout va à merveille, effectivement. merci pour ton posting ainsi que pour la punaise virtuelle - etonnee de voir que vous vivez en bretagne!?! ;) bisous, *


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