back in baden-württemberg

Three treasures made my time ultra special: Gerhard, Triana, Heiko.
Managed to pop by Andy&co for a coffee after chatting at the Harris' for ages (what a fun family!). As it turns out, the Andys' had a double surprise visit, since their guests mixed up weeks they were to visit - no stress, I had to go see some more people anyway. Fooled around with Heischo a bit before leaving, which was nice.
Unfortunately, when you have been away for a while and visit, everyone feels cheated by the "1h30 rule". That is a normal part of the nomadic lifestyle - when you visit, you better coordinate well and either see lots of people for a short time or come often and spent quality time with just a few. I try to do both - not easy, beacuse you have to be selective. It worked out well since most people were at the church potluck on Sunday anyway. There, people treat me so special for some reason. I don't get it! I had to make an unfortunate discrete move to pop by Lörrach on my way home however. It was to be discrete, since the Siberian missionaries were on visit and had most of the people captivated by the stories they were coming home with. Fascintating people. Had to turn down the polyphonic offer to stay on - have this random 80 page document to scan tonight still! Got to see Mark before I left - we sort of finished up the visit on the phone on the way home - is that fair to say, Marky? lol!
The hospital visit was probably the most necessary - my adopted Oma is looking rather fragile. I surprised her to the point I thought she might leave this world with a heart attack. I went to the hospital in Lörrach and tried to cheer her up with typical Euphonies' random conversations, sat with her and just read to her until she fell asleep. As my hand softly gripped her's, I saw a blue-ish shriveled hand next to mine. Life is not a beauty contest, guys. At that age, you have hopefully snapped out of the "beauty trip" and into the more serious concerns of life: What have I done with my life, what legacy do I leave behind and what is the state of my soul?
Was nice to be back!
Now you know one of my preferred places to get my mind off work!
PS: A funny one for us non-Germanics - at the Elisabethen Krankenhaus, the Geriatrics are supplied generously with Karamalz, a non-alcoholic beer to sip out of their cups. Is that not a cultural thing?!
At 9:58:00 AM,
Anonym said…
... yes euphonies, it IS fair to say ;-)
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