Back to the pink template - it has been said that it corresponds to me better than the darker polka dot look. I guess I should take that as a compliment! Got some problems with the formatting - but that will have to wait. Off to bed now, the week is pretty long in this heat. Keep waking up in the night to drink (water) and slide the balcony window pane wide open. Plus, I also have to squeeze some before work running and errands in. Running because it was unbearable in the heat this evening. Errands - well, because what I need to do is in France and everything is always shut here when I get back from work in Switzerland. Ah .. to be a guest worker ;)
At 12:48:00 AM,
Anonym said…
This is where it comes in handy to sleep on the same 190 meter long floating island where you work, complete with 350 meter running course on the flight deck that always has a nice sea breeze (has also doubled as a functional Cricket ground), barber shop, and no ability to run errands (also no need). Current running contest involves 10 person teams totalling their distance run over the course of a team became the first to reach 400 miles in 4 days. Thus confinement also offers distinct advantages!
At 9:21:00 PM,
Anonym said…
Errands hun, not arrands...Mr Saunders would be shocked! Hope you're hanging in there with the heat. Tummy grew again in the there no end?!! Loving you euphonies xxx
At 10:17:00 PM,
Anonym said…
message for caroklara : there is no end ;-) and the last few weeks it's even worse ;-) but it's worth it - once you have the baby in your arms (wondering how such a big human being could have been in your own body) you'll forget everything else ;-)
At 11:23:00 PM,
euphonies said…
sounds like this is a real running summer, eh? congrats, wilde! caro hun, you just stay put - no running for a while. dancing is giving enough of a heart-attack to your doc. and chrysante, oh most experienced one, was telling me in the office how she would become a mommy a thousand times over because the moment is so special. exciting eh? *
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