smokey squat
Very unique day containing plenty of challenges (what an understatement). Went through the mill today. So tomorrow can only get better. Ever feel you are being trained for a fierce battle? I am learning so much. In fact, I am suffering from information overload. My colleague Tracy expressed the same when I called her this evening.
Short post since I am in the office early to deliver a client presentation. Might go into the details of this day, which seemed straight from a dream another time. Sleep well - if you are in my time zone!
Can't wait to get home this weekend.
At 1:21:00 PM,
ET said…
For a life on the go such as yours, may I recommend the XDA phone:
Perfect way to organise your life and even comes with a smoke protective cover!
At 3:39:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Thanks for the really subtle advertizement (NOT! :)). If this phone means another expensive bill, I might have to pass though. 230 Euros for my last fon bill stung me quite a bit. They say this is the price for being such a communicative bunny and for leading this kind of a life! :) Thinking of you and your upcoming decision-making, Essayas! Love, e*
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