euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Donnerstag, Juni 23, 2005

people person

One of the girls in the office is convinced the lack of air conditioning in the offices is a conspiracy theory to get all the girls in skirts. Might be true actually. Even Chrysante and Sally went for the girlie version of shorts this morning. In fact, I wanted to publish a print screen of the weather here, but I think you might still believe me - it was a whole 33 degrees without the dry, still air, sun on your shoulders, dry mouth effect. So we are hangin' out in our offices - mine has a fan on, the windows open and the shutters down - and drinking Peri*er and thanking God the cans in the fridge are free! :) No running tonight - preferred to cool off with the mates. Judy's birthday tomorrow, so we all met at a nice restaurant on the lake to celebrate. I just love these people. With my colleague Tracy gone this week again, I realize I am really a people person. What did I hear you say? "duh"?? ;)


  • At 8:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Judy? You went to two parties at the lake-front yesterday? :-S

  • At 9:51:00 AM, Blogger euphonies said…

    You're on your best behavior, yeah? ;) *

  • At 7:26:00 AM, Blogger sathish said…

    hey, came in thru Michaels blog... u got a multi lingual blog...
    u a German is it... I visit Germany once a year...
    u got a gr8 blog..


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