Found someone at work, who wants to go running with me in the mornings. That is always a double-edged sword, since you might not only gain motivation but loose the focus of training on your own. We are going to give it a go from Monday. I just got back from a run this morning in fact. What a magnificent view on the mountains from the field after a clearing in the forest. It was difficult to get up and run, since we were in the office late again. Running on 5hrs sleep just makes me feel sick. Finishing a presentation with a pringles dinner is usually something you regret the next morning anyway.
Skol, if we are really going to run in Oct., we need to seriously look at our diet. I am not going to go on a diet for this, just eat healthier when I can. Anyway, it is the first day of June 2005 and I am excited at our goal. In the meantime, we have some company team outings lined up in the evenings, so I need to get used to the morning runs. "the morning runs"!! sounds funny, but you know what I mean, Mr. Blog!
At 6:36:00 PM,
Anonym said…
The prison inmates arent useless any more. They should each be given a 'miraculas vial', they have the ability to talk to Angels and to ask them to materialize a small speck of healthy medication in the empty vial you give them. The prisoners will look closely inside their vials every morning to determine if they accummulated a tiny bit of chemical drug given to them by the Christian Angels. Give them a list of different types of drugs to request for, let them choose wich one drug type they will get manifested inside their vials. Then when it works you have a new drug to study and mass produce.
Develop a small chip thats meant to be the spot where one molecule would be able to appear. First make a nano-box or nano-hole in the center of the chip where the single magic molecule might be found. Once this is done give one chip to each prisoner to put in the vile they each have.
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