euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Donnerstag, Juni 09, 2005

always around

found this thought-provoking ...

"borrowed" image from ;)


  • At 1:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    blogging from work, Euph' ? ;-) hope the day is going to be a quiet one and not a too busy one ... bisous !

  • At 2:43:00 PM, Blogger euphonies said…

    I knew it. Had the itch to post-date or change the time on this one. Yep, a whole picture pasted in my lunch break ;) - I'll come over to your department to "visit" later on, yeah? Not too busy for a lunch break today, so that's nice! *

  • At 2:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Please come and visit us ... but rather tomorrow as I'm blogging from home today ;-) (moi, au moins, hein !) A demain, bonne journée !

  • At 2:50:00 PM, Blogger euphonies said…

    oops :) forgot. A demain!*

  • At 5:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Why yes Euphonied, that was from Problem of Pain actually, a fairly descent read if you have the time. I thought it was a propos. You like buildings frangipanny. peace,

  • At 8:14:00 AM, Blogger euphonies said…

    hey hun - why dont you just sign up with your marathon errr, I mean screen name? :) gonna try out that new mob. not so good at time changes so might end up waking you up ;). secondly,*


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