I just put up some more clutter on euphonies' blog ...
... wanna put a pin in my guest map? :)
(just click on the guestmap button on the left)
Magst du dich auf meiner Guestmap eintragen?
(siehe "View my Guestmap, Place pin, click here"
und dann einfach auf "Hide Welcome Message" clicken!)
danke fürs Vorbeischauen!
At 12:41:00 AM,
euphonies said…
hu-hun, you didn't finish the post before clicking submit!
At 12:44:00 AM,
Anonym said…
Don't we have anything better than to push a pin in? Think we can be conned into some obscure form of virtual voodoo, and waste the precious time of our ripened youth? We are free, mademoiselle, and that is what I have to say. Never will I 'push pin'. Or 'blogue' . Wie vulgaire. NON MAIS OH!
At 12:47:00 AM,
euphonies said…
est-ce qu'il se pourrait que tu aies peut-être un peu trop dormi? love the link ;) *
At 12:49:00 AM,
Anonym said…
Yes I did !! ha! tricked!
***** THIS JUST IN*******
CHICAGO MARATHON -click- TO RUN AT -click-156 days 14hours -click- EIGHT MINUTEs and 51 seconds -click-
October 9TH is a -click- SUNDAY.
BE -click- THERE.
At 12:53:00 AM,
euphonies said…
thx. ich muss schauen wann ich urlaub krieg. love you, your BIG sister, e*
At 10:57:00 PM,
Anonym said…
I am having some S E R I O U S déja vu. Oh. my. like. gosh.
At 11:03:00 PM,
euphonies said…
shows you stopped by little skol! and also explains why the line is always busy - i am trying to call you - get off line! :) *
At 12:13:00 AM,
Sheila said…
Hmm...interesting blog.
I might have to link you, because I badly need to read German regularly.
Been living in Germany almost 3 years, but still my German is very lousy :(.
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