euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Sonntag, April 17, 2005

insulation ideas

Never knew I actually lived on a lake - and I will let you guess who lives on ground level. Around here, lake properties make for prime real-estate, but not here! Workers have finally attacked the strip of grass my balcony looks onto. The idea was that insulation be placed underneath the triangular section above the garages. The garages below the strip of land are supposedly humid. By Friday evening this is what was left: abandonned earth-moving equipment at my window, a triangular bay of maybe as much as 60 m2 with dirt dug up (like, thanks for the view, guys) on the far end of the triangle and bare concrete touching all ground floor properties. They obviously chose the wrong day to dig their hearts away. This weekend, as Geneva got the snowflakes, we, south of the lake got rain. The bay has become a lake 6 cm deep over night over a large triangular portion. Part of myself could not avoid thinking of a slight possibility we could make some paper boats at Sunday school for some fun on the new man-made lake: so much for the isolation problems - nothing is draining there, believe me. This makes for a mess for the workers. Lets hope the grimy water wont seep into my balcony and into the apt!


  • At 10:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Sounds like a taste of living in a tin can with a needle gun (mini jackhammer to remove rust from sheet metal) at work on the main deck directly above your office (currently they are "fixing" the ship) least the current office doesn't have any leaks for the rain to come through like the last one did! Construction sure can mar a nice "Ruhetag..."

  • At 11:06:00 AM, Blogger euphonies said…

    Hi Wildebeast, good to know that the potential flooding of my place can be survived! I think I might just work on housing insurance today for the lower deck ;)
    No Ruhetag comes with this type of construction! Take care!

  • At 6:49:00 PM, Blogger euphonies said…

    Hi Huhnenkampf, dein Englisch scheint doch gut genug zu sein, dass du Blogpostings in Englisch verstehst, also gratuliere ;). Danke für dein Kompliment und dir einen wunderschönen Abend.

  • At 10:21:00 PM, Blogger euphonies said…

    :))) it is still raining here if that is what you were asking ;)


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