euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Samstag, April 30, 2005

amusing advertisement

I couldn't help picking up on the loud advertisement message on launchcast, whilst writing the previous post. The message interrupting my limited listening features of internet music straight from the USA (punished for using up my 600 songs this month), yelled out:

"Don't pay a dime for a real long time!"
The interjected phrase courtesy of Guitar Center is certainly young and catchy yet almost foreign to my ears - and that is not only due to the fact that "real" is grammatically incorrect when used as a superlative. This could be just another case of Euph' having been away from the States for so long. I admit I had to run to a pad of paper to jot this rhyme down. It is once again proof that marketing customs are very different in the States to those practiced in Europe, where more subtle messages are by far preferred. It is all the more interesting since this is my profession - but as an (albeit hybrid) American for a European target market / business segment. Call me a geek, I find these cultural differences fascinating. I secretly enjoy listening to American advertisement - some part in me would love to blast a conservative audience with a nice:

"!Get to the phone before it is too late for your own new guitar that all your friends really want!"

Ok, Euph', that's it.
You're off to bed. ;)