euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Dienstag, März 01, 2005

wild world of work

So its back to the wild world of my work. It is interesting trying to coordinate our yearbook initiatives before it gets seriously too late to. Basically, it is back to busy life. Today, major stress from on high to prepare an urgent document would have broke me if my new colleague hadn't been there. I was thankful to have her for stress dissipation and also to bounce ideas off of someone. But I am still at work, so this post is not going to be long tonight :) I have a home to go to ... as well as plenty of neighbors waiting for me in front of the door. I bet.


  • At 2:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Sometimes, especially when returning to piled-up tasks, Work is like that tsunami wave rolling toward you. You see it coming, know exactly how much power is behind it but are not sure exactly how it will break until the awaited tasks finally wash over you. Hopefully you prepare properly for the churn and can enjoy the ride that such busy days take you on! After all, we are made to enjoy the water, even when the surf is up...

  • At 7:53:00 PM, Blogger euphonies said…

    echt, hast eine arbeit gefunden! du hast das echt verdient, rudi. schön für das unternehmen. hier hätten sie dich mit deinen IT-fähigkeiten sofort angestellt. ist halt nicht fulda. gesundheitlich - von tag zu tag besser! :)


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