Was really cool last night. I was running late due to the 10000 things left to do before I could make it to the home group. Seeing as I had done my homework reading only partially, I sat in the parking lot with my motor on, since it gets cold in the evenings and read my way through the chapter for the night entitled "a well-ordered heart". In the dim light, I read how Ortberg writes of balance and discusses whether or not a balanced life is really what we are looking for afterall.
Oh, he is questionning the life I have been struggling to maintain, euphs! He goes on saying, are we not wanting more? Is a balanced life enough when you go to Somalia and need to start to give? Interesting, again, it was all about goals and finding a way to work not only towards a balance in life but for a driving purpose. What is my driving purpose? Is it work? Do I want this to be my driving purpose? Is my purpose even bringing me closer to God? and... and...
*knock knock*
"yes God??"
... euphonies, that is not God, that is someone knocking on your window
"Excuse me miss, but I think your car is a bit smelly"
- a yuppy decided to tell me in front of his friends.
"Oh, shall I move the car?" euphonies answers
"No, no, I just wanted to tell you there is a strange smell to your car"
"Yeah, this is a diesel, thanks anyway though" euphonies smiles and reminds him
Then I drove off to find another reading spot. I told myself whilst looking at him and smiling politely, that such a tomboy like me just cannot stand men who can't get their hands dirty. I like handimen. Hehe.
So, now you know the secret ;) Just kidding.
I managed to read everything before we started in the evening and it was just such a great evening, it really allowed me to put a few priorities right in my own life. Like most weeks, I drove Byung Soo back home to his house with his bike in the trunk. Ahh, how I love big cars. This is the whole reason for big cars: moves, comfortable trips, helping out friends, sunday school, kids, kids, kids :) Charlette is growing on me. So I treated her out for a nice wash today. Getting ready for tomorrow. After all, tonight I will be busy with colleagues for a celebration - new job, new future, new horizons for Benny.
At 9:42:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Stefan, bist du es? Your English is absolutely amazing! So good in fact, that I seriously doubt whether you have really had difficulties in understanding. Yes, it seems like worlds away from the warm Vogelsberg memories, although I miss you like crazy! My house group is especially missed. We had an awesome summer together, and each memory is stored right up here in my little head (oh yeah, you can't see where I am pointing to). Ich denke ich sollte im Sommer einfach hochfahren. Ausser du bist gerade in Singapur! Ganz lieben Gruss aus Paris.
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