blossoming blog
Thanks for your email, comments on the posts and for your support. Let me know how I can improve the site, since I didn't really expect this to be such the pitstop. Sorry in advance SC, I have to write posts in three languages otherwise I get these ugly complaints. :) I have allowed access to members and non-members for comments, so this makes it easier to drop a note after a post. So, go for it!
ps: Caro, tu me manques!
pps: you left your musical dvd here. I will send it with the other dvd, beautiful.
At 11:21:00 PM,
euphonies said…
I knew that was coming. I went through some pix and well, I have some really nice ones of work colleagues, myself and everything you could possibly imagine (Odette, Odette being repaired, Odette smashed up ...)- those cannot go up.
It is a difficult decision since 1: I dont want to clutter the blog up too much, 2: make it too long to load, 3: I like the fantasy element of the unknown blogger, which you have to imagine in your mind. Some of my readers have no clue what I am like! But I will be working on the request if I come accross some worthwhile.
At 12:55:00 PM,
StrangelyClear said…
Just thought I'd point out that David's point about needing "authorizations of all the personns on the pictures" is not correct (in case you got worried about it euphonies, and decided not to post any photos ;) ).
You only need the permission of the person that took the photo... or (perhaps more correctly) the owner of the photo. (Possibly difficult to prove in this day of digital, but previously it would have been whoever owns the negative).
Asking the people in the photo if they mind it being viewable on the internet is a mere politeness, but is by no means required.
Hope that clears that one up ;)
Oh, and on a slightly less serious note...
Euphonies, how do you know that of the 1600 visits, 1500 are not me? Therefore, the language thing is very important ;)
I can just about manage the french when I'm not tired... but German... no chance. :(
So.. I suppose.. if you want to keep secrets from me, write in German ;)
Hugs and blessings :)
At 12:44:00 PM,
euphonies said…
Fact is, I would never post a picture up without someone's consent. It is in my view important to ask for permission if the stuff is going to be up on the Net since the blog is public property. My work colleagues would not be impressed :)
But, David is right, a few need to go up soon..*
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