euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Freitag, Januar 28, 2005

speeding slightly :)

Mr. Blog, it is the weekend! How exciting. I need to change those licence plates tomorrow, or at least before the speeding ticket lands in my postbox - as it is, the man who sold me the car is going to be receiving all my speeding tickets in his small village in France. Poor guy. He has probably never even been to Geneva!
It hurts to pay 78 euros for some 6km/h too many and the worst thing is: I think more tickets are on their way. Hmm, the Swiss are way too efficient. I think they will track me down pretty fast no matter how fast I change plates. Wanted to write a nice post but Lolita just popped in and cant stop chatting, and kissing me and hitting me. I love all of her 1m20 (max) and I think I could write a book on her sponteneity. So funny to see her pop in the office with her great humor and bounce about at the cleaning without a clue of what goes on during the day. She is a great end of each day :). Next blog coming soon.