euphonies' excitement!

The journey of a girl struggling to follow God's principles in a bottom-line world.

Dienstag, November 23, 2004

today, tuesday

Tuesday I get to meet my small group. You remember the feeling when you were a child, going to a new school or maybe just changing teachers. The excitement is there but so are butterflies and the clammy hands. You become bi-polar, feel the sick feeling in your stomach…the adrenaline fights the cortisone. Ahhhhh! Euphonies, calm down, it will be good to be there and to meet some people your age. Tomorrow is the day they tell the newcomers where the different groups meet in and around Geneva. Hopefully some are on my side of the lake. But whatever the case, I am looking forward to going –straight from work. Afterall, I went to Fulda often enough, and here, crossing the city on the motorway is a cinch, just a little slow I guess (by the way, WHY limit Odette to 80 km/h I wonder? The heater doesn’t even properly work at that speed. Surely Flamingos fly faster than that, surely Lamas run double that speed, surely someone out there trusts Odette to hold up at that speed). Only slight inconvenience for tomorrow, the needle is pointing to the reddish zone on stunning Odette’s gas gauge. I emptied all bank accounts to pay my first months’ rent to reserve my new home yesterday, and besides the remaining cash in my wallet left (wow, euphonies, you could buy a whole sandwich with this bundle of cash), French and German accounts are both Sahara desert dry. As dry as a good French dry wine. Drier than dry hair, hair-dried. Ok, enough of the distraction euphonies. Tomorrow is D day, the day I open my Swiss account. This is at least the fourth country this traveler will have had an account in. Here, this only works because I have, at last, a demand sent off for the “you’re-lucky-if-you-get-a-work-permit-one-day” frontalier, G permit, papers. Remember, this only happens once you have an address. And guess who has an address??? Haven’t you been doing the reading? A home for euphonies!! It is hopefully only a matter of time for in-come to come-in. :).
So, if I don’t make it to work tomorrow on my way back from the small groups, because I am stuck in one of the many tunnels with a molasses thirsty tank, DON’T call the police. I will be on my way to the office in no time. On foot. Hehehe… have a great day.